Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I've Grown Accustomed To Your Uvula

This is the third night in a row i've stayed up late to do cool blog stuff.
Now i'm going to bed. Tomorrow is a John Coltrane day and we're doing the taxes.


Kristibelle said...

What ever happened to that Lennon picture in the background of that photo of me where I look/was so young.

And what ever happened to the Grimace? Heh.

Mike Vullo said...

The Grimace popped after years of good service and I think the Lennon thing is in storage. Probably between two pieces of gum.

Kristibelle said...

The Grimace popped after years of good service

Um. Hmmm.

Keith said...

Watch it, you two. There could be children reading this.

Like me, for example.