Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Ok. Re-reading that post made me think I should clarify some things so I don't piss anybody off. I used the word "girl" to describe how I feel next to Manly men. It is not meant in a derogatory way. I do not use the word "girl" to imply weak or inferior. I was trying to be funny and in a surrealistic way I meant an actual woman. I should probably clear up the Gay thing. I can look at certain men and appreciate their good looks. I've had plenty of gay friends/roommates and, for some odd reason, they've never been atrracted to me (wonder why.). I've been kissed by men twice and it never scared me. I used to kiss my Dad on the mouth (maybe an Italian tradition?) and that never bothered me. And most of the men i'd go out with are dead. If you really wanna know, i'll tell you who they are. I hope to never bring this up again...until the next time.
Your Humble Narrator,
Gaylord McGaystein
Fire away!


Keith said...

I love my inadvertantly gay friend Mike.

Your dad kissed me on the mouth once, I think. Waaaaaaaay too much tongue. And I'm only 1/4 Italian, so what gives?

Kristibelle said...

And I love my gay husband!He's got one fine beard, don't cha think? ;)

Kissed only twice by men? Uh oh. I hope Bongo isn't reading this--he'd feel so forgotten. If memory serves, you've debated getting vaccinated from his frequent kisses sur la bouche.

Keith said...

Yes, that is one good-lookin' "beard"!

Oh, and I think it'd be safe to say that there's enough alcohol passing over Bongo's lips to effectively kill any fiendish cooties.