Oh, Boy!
First of all, fuck Imus. What a dumbshit. He should get life for that. Second, too bad Bush didn't say it so we could nail that piece of shit once and for all. Check my Gangsta stance before it was cool. Those cool drums have been in the L-7 studios for years and i'm gonna restore them. I picked them up tonight at the old/new studio thats being knocked down. Damn! I'm gonna miss my Tuesday Night Music Club. For the last bunch of months, a small cast of characters have been meeting to write and record some music on Tuesday evenings. The result is Jim Wurster's new cd "hallelujah". I play on it and I picked up a production credit too. It sounds great.
Don't jump to conclusions about the Beatles picture. I'm not flipping them off. That's for that stoopid magazine. Boy, I was lured into buying that trash by the cover. This Christopher Scapelliti wrote a half-decent article about the making of Sgt. Pepper and he has to blow it by writing "...even though it does contain a few dull clunkers like 'She's Leaving Home','When I'm 64' and, depending on your generosity of spirit, 'Within You Without You'".
Now I know it's a matter of opinion. I know quite a few BeatlePeedles who don't care for the album but Jeez! Those songs are great! I don't get it. And while there are things I don't get...What's up with the whole male-ness of guitar playing these days? All these magazines glorify these white, male note merchants as Gods. Who's to say Yngwie Malmturd is better than Bo Diddley? Why, because he plays a lot of notes? Eddie Van Handlebar is better than Pops Staples? Not in my book. What about Steve Cropper? Why can't a guitar player just play something meaningful that sounds good or stirs your emotions instead of some guy typing out math problems? I admit I play too many notes sometimes and swap taste for speed. I'm not proud of it. Yes, I'm part of the problem. At least I don't look like I sniffed glue at the tattoo parlor and got into Mommy's makeup case. While we're at it....Why must we have these terrible ads in guitar "magazines" objectifying women? Are you really that stupid that you'd buy a guitar because a scantily clad woman is holding it? What is this world coming to? I think this is totally unnecessary and insulting. While were at it...what's with product endorsements? Just 'cause Joe Rockgod plays CacaPoopoo amps doesn't mean you're gonna get his sound. Why would you want it anyway? Forge your own path. Joe Rockgod got where he is by doing his own thing. Don't hate me 'cause i'm beautiful.
Those ads are still running in Guitar World? I haven't picked up that rag in almost 20 years. Most of those girls were never that attractive anyway.
You know that's not the point, right?
Still not the point, but since when did Dave find girls attractive?
Anyhoo, even if Bush had said it (God knows he's said much worse. "Bring 'em on" comes to mind. Shit, Cheney shot his elderly friend in the face and he's still got his job), America's attention span for outrage seems to be about 4 days long and then we're back to sheeplike complacency.
Now to the point: do those guitars come with the girls in the photos? If so, where does the sound come out and how's the tone?
I like your point. And I find it to be unique, for unlike others, it is not located at the top of your head.
Because I am indeed a self sufficient women, and we are raising our daughter to be such, I am not in need of the chivalrous fable minded idea of a hero.
But if I did buy into that bullshit, you'd be mine.
Good words, my comrade.
Dude, not only do you look like you sniff glue, but you eat paste. Come on Vullo...
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