I'm making Matthew Sweet's "Girlfriend" my favorite album of the moment. I remember when it came out and I saw the end of the "Girlfriend" video on MTV (remember when they showed videos of music other than lame-ass emo and hip hop/rap?). It sounded like Cream in the fuzz guitar and tin can drum sound. At that time, it was really refreshing and I went right out and got the cd and devoured it. Like most music I like, I probably listened to it for a few months straight without listening to anything else. I loved the dry production and the songs themselves. This week, I broke it out and listened to it again and it brought me right back to 1991. The broken-hearted ache of "You Don't Love Me" still makes me shiver. "I've Been Waiting" is pure pop candy like "Sugar Sugar" ( which is an incredible song) that, on any given day, you can hear me singing to while i'm whizzing down I-95 with a smile plastered on my face from sheer bliss. There's one or two stinkers but even they are leaps and bounds above most of the tripe that passes for modern music these days. Matthew, wherever you are in the world, I love you dearly for repeatedly renewing my faith in the power of music. I will never tire of "Girlfriend" and I hope to one day join your band. Do yourself a favor. Go home. Take the cd (or LP if you're like me) out and relax and enjoy it again. You won't be disappointed. And if you are, can I have your copy?
P.S. Thanks for the shirt, Keith!
Girlfriend rocks a mighty rocking, and thank you for turning me on to it all those years ago. If Dave'd given it to me, I'm sure I woulda ignored it completely. As it is, it's in my car CD case at this very moment.
Hey, nice shirt! I've got one in black, so if we ever show up in the same place wearing each of ours, it'll be obvious we're not on the same team. Oh, and it's become my most-commented-upon t-shirt (go Hyphen-Boy, go!), which is saying something as I get lots o' t-shirt commentary.
Ah! One of the few you did not turn me onto (the only other music guru in my life did--that would be the late great 120 Minutes on Sunday nights).
That was fun singing Matthew songs with you today!
I have to remember to sign in on my account.
This is getting out of hand, Mike/Kristie! Yes it was fun and now I have no voice...not your fault though.
It's a veritable Who's Who around this place...
Astonishing how he could go from Girlfriend to a piece of schlock like Living Things.
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