Crazy Weekend! South Shore Grill: crummy. O'Hara's : crummy. Keith was there and that made it allright (thanks Keith!). I was supposed to break Woody out for the first gig (Delray Affair) but the weather wasn't so good so I didn't do it. I got "The Jerk" on DVD and I planned on watching it figuring Elwood's would be rained out. No such luck. Pretty lackluster night but we switched instruments and I got to play a bit of guitar and bass on "Louis, Louis". Got in some good conversation with my pal Terence and that made it all good. No broken bones. Good night, blog.
Better luck next week. Bamboo Room here we come!
Yup, I was there and I had a whole day of ear-ringing to prove it. Serves me right for being the 2nd-closest person to your amp... Anyway, thanks for the guitar clinic and for being a pal. The band rehearsed today and, try as I might to absorb and rip off--I mean, integrate--your licks into my playing, it still ain't happenin'.
Now lessee, how's that Cinnamon Girl solo go again...?
Sigh. I drove all the way to O'Hara's at 11:30 at night hoping to meet Woody.
Couldn't even find a woody.
ERP! Did I type that out loud?
Thank your friend Keith (?) for keeping me company whilst waiting for Mr Henze. :-) Nice guy.
Yes, I'm stalking your blogs. Miss Kristie's too. You guys amaze me. I wish I could dream up interesting stuff to blog about.
Maybe if I had a life...
Cool about Miss Jojo!
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