...or sat on them all. I can't remember which. As predicted earlier, my weekend is fooked. I gotta go to Johanna's school for this SpringFest thing (Kris has to do face painting and she's freaked about it) early this morning and try to meet with Jerry Leeman to go over some songs for Sunday's first gig at the Delray Affair. And squeeze in some laundry and string changing for O'Hara's tonight. How do I do it? Sheer stupidity. Tonight, The Dillengers played a gig at South Shore Grill in Lake Worthless and it was killing me. I shoulda phoned in my part. All the gangstas started showing up so I hightailed it outta there. I'm worn down to the nub. On a good note, famed Beatleband The Fab Four are coming and Keith and Gab and Kris and Jojo and Grandma and I are going. It ought to be a blast. Jojo hasn't seen a concert yet so that ought to be interesting. I must go to sleep immediately.
I think I may have taken that Rick Nielsen pic.
Um, when the fuck did you meet Graham Nash?!?
I should probably save that story for a post. Come to think of it, I think you did take that picture. He was smashed...so smashed he was willing to play Bob Wlos' hunk 'o doodoo guitfiddle. Oh, the way Glen Miller played.....
You gotta post your Elvis pic...if you haven't already.
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