Jojo and I watched some of "Yellow Submarine" tonight and it brought back a lot of memories. We used to watch it all the time when she was tiny. She still laughs at the same places. Kris had me search for an analog/digital video converter thingy for the computer and I stumbled upon a video compilation I made of Jojo's first two years. We watched it and realized she's not a baby anymore. But I still do some of the same things. I check on her and kiss her forehead before I go to sleep. Nights when i'm away with a band or on vacation without her, I get sad when I can't do that. I'm gonna be a complete wreck when she gets to the age when you're supposed to hate your parents. I never did but you never know. Who'da thunk one person could have so much love for another. Wanna feel old? Get yerself some kids.
hmm, my mom always said, "wanna feel young, get yourself some kids."
It's nice to see someone who loves his kid for a change.
I love your kid, too. I just don't want one of my own. I'm more of a cat person myself. I guess I prefer the litter box to the diaper.
Hard to believe that little baby making raspberries at the camera now tells us that her dinner is "Extremely tasty."
Give her rasperries for dinner and see what she does then...
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