The world's going to hell. I heard it on NPR. I gotta stop listening to it. Everything is bad news. When are we gonna implode already? Everyone's a criminal. You can't trust your politicians anymore. I caught my wife trying to steal a glance! How do ya like that? Today I went to the YMCA while the family had other matters to attend to. It felt very weird to be anywhere by myself. I ended up just swimming. I was putting my ears under water imagining that being in the womb must be similar. The muffled echoey screams. The floating. Weird. There were too many people in the whirlpool for me to feel comfortable in there so I waited till it thinned out. There was still some burly guys in there when I got in so I avoided eye contact so they wouldn't figure out I was a girl. They tell you not to exceed 10 minutes for a reason. I was in there for 15 and I felt woozy when I got out. I went to the Men's Locker Room and was presented with a variety of dicks. I didn't choose any and went about my business. What is it with silly hang-ups? When we went to England, we stayed in a hostel and all the men were walking around naked and didn't seem to care. When I went to Yosemite, it was crawling with European tourists who were letting it flap in the wind without a care in the world. Are we so macho we can't let it all hang out? OK, this is the second posting with gay subject matter in it. I must be gay. Let me check.....Nope. Well, how do I know? I gotta get off this subject before I get myself in trouble. Baseball! Yeah, that'll do the trick! My favorite team is the Baltimore Dodgers......GAY!
Y'know, the whole "it's fun to stay at the Y...M-C-A!" thing comes to mind. Maybe you can join the Navy next? Where's Dave with the headdress and chaps when you need him? *knocks on closet door*
I don't think I knew you'd been to Yosemite (my fave spot on the planet). I'll be there June 10-16 with two friends, both men, all in one tent cabin. Three men alone in the mountains... Hmmm. What happens in Yosemite stays in Yosemite. And I don't recall any of the mountains there being named Brokeback (which, by the way, was a fantastic movie).
Ha Ha! I never put the Village People references together. I did live in SanFran...home of Rice-O-Roni.
And Bob Mould? And Patrick, everyone's favorite leather queen?
I like your flannel in that picture.
Hmmm... Lived in San Francisco, makes unconscious Village People references, had gay roommates... I could go on.
The thing about denial is that we can't see it while we're in it, but it's clear as day to everyone else. ;-)
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