Wednesday, April 4, 2007

I eat paste was already taken.

I can't believe someone already took "i eat paste" as a blognamethingy. What is this werld coming too. If you reed this, I like to make spelling errors on purpose. I'm quite a good speller. Always have been if I can toot my own horn here. Toot! I like the idear of being able to dump your thoughts somewhere and have random weirdos pick up the chase. Of course we all must be a bit egocentric to think anyone is going to care about our stupid little goings on. Screw y'all! This is my form of therapy and i'm sticking to it. Actually I should wright some mamories on here now and again sos I can remember them at a later date. Truth be known, I have a crap memory so I need all the help I can get. Maybe song ideas will come from this word association football. Be warned. Your mind is made of jelly and i've got the peanut butter.


Kristibelle said...

Memory jogger? I like it! :P

Keith said...

Having a brain like a wiffle ball, I know 'zactly what you mean.

Welcome to the blogarama, mama. Yours is already more entertaining than mine.


Anonymous said...
