Saturday, April 7, 2007

The Drone in G

Keith came over and we had a guitarathon. He brought his beeeeeeeutiful new Sonic Stratocaster and I got to fondle it. Yummy. We got to play together which doesn't happen often and a swell time was had by yours truly. This morning, the fam went out for Waffle House and that's always yummy. I'm not feeling so good. My sinuses are going bonkers. Can't wait to hear my singing tonight! Must go change strings.


Keith said...

I'm glad you chose the pic where I look like a mental patient. Sometimes I just can't get my eyes to agree to look at the same thing at the same time...

I had a great time, too. I think we should go out again. Do you like pasta? You're pretty. Will you marry me?

Kristibelle said...

Keith's guitar matches our walls. What a great color!
I'll stop typing now so you can ponder the pasta inquiry and marriage proposal.

Keith said...

I had that in mind when I bought it.

Hey, maybe Mike should get one? Cinco de Miko is rapidly approaching...

Mike Vullo said...

I can dig it, honey buns.