Let me start by saying I hate violence. When I say within these walls (?)that I want to kill someone or commit some kind of violent act, i'm just saying it and would never do it. Hell, i'm afraid of small flying bugs that couldn't hurt me at all (which is bullshit. i've seen a palmetto bug rip a man's head clean off. one of these days i'll explain my fear.).
Now that that's clear, I must rant. I'm pulling up to my local[xxC';SAKDF ['QOPE4T]-QI3]R Q( i can't tell you why that just happened. i can only say it's something visual that just happened before mine eyes)Publix (pronounced pyoo-blix) and I witnessed a woman SMACKING her kid in the head REPEATEDLY and yelling for him to "GET IN THE FUCKING CAR". I was stunned and I had to put down the flamethrower for fear I would make her crispy. Please tell me, readers, I didn't feel this way just 'cause i'm a Daddy. This is pure evil. Granted I got smacked when I was a kid and, as far as I can remember, I deserved it but i'm older now and times have changed and I hate this sort of thing. I've NEVER even had to threaten Johanna in this way...nor would I ever. OK, i'm ready for the hate mail. Mom, you go first.
Sunday was Earth Day and I made sure one of the first things I did was listen to "Mother Nature's Son". Fantastic song. You go, Paul. The gig at Elwood's was OK. Keith showed up and got an earful of me me me. I'd like to take a break right now and shamelessly plug my friend Keith. A long long time ago, Keith would drive his car into the ground making sure yours truly had a ride to faraway gigs, while always praising and promoting. It continues to this day. Last night, we had a really long gut-spilling conversation and never once did he tell me to shut up. He's tirelessly listened to my crap for years and he still talks to me. I know you're reading this and I want you to know how I sincerely appreciate everything you do for me. I walked away last night feeling good after ranting to you and you didn't even charge the regular fees. I say, without a hint of being gay, I love you. You'll never know how much your friendship means to me....Damn. Check's in the mail. Have at it, Dave.