Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Of Course, I've Had It In The Ear Before

I'm glad my REM post opened up a debate. It seems everybody liked them at some point. This is my new favorite band. Rick sent this to me and it is awesome.


Keith said...

I was expecting She's Not There or Time of the Season, but that song's cool, too.

peter said...

Well, since I've been credited for getting Vullo into REM, I have to return the favor and say right here and now that Mr. Vullo is the one who turned me onto another one of the greatest bands of all time, and that's Teenage Fanclub. You don't get much better than Norman Blake, Gerry Love, and Raymond McGinley (sp?) sharing triple-threat songwriting duties, sunny harmonies, grungy fuzz guitar, and exquisite melodies. If this isn't the greatest band to ever emerge from Scotland, whoever says so is wrong, because they are. And though I used to like Bandwagonesque the most, I now prefer the subsequent albums. It's hard to pick one or two favorites with a band as prolific as this, but "show me" songs like I Need Direction from Howdy, Hang On and Escher from Thirteen, Start Again and Speed of Light and Planets from SFNB, Don't Look Back and Neil Jung from Grand Prix, etc. Find me more kickass rock and roll, I dare you.

Sarah said...

I remember the morning we played Teenage Fanclub for you for the first time... we were waiting in line at Eckerd's for Paul McCartney tickets.

"is your star sign ever wrong ?"

Kristibelle said...

Oh wow. I love that clip. More! More!

Mike Vullo said...

Those are by The Zombies. These guys are The Mummies. Get your monsters straight!

Keith said...

Y'know, I actually messed that up.

*hangs head in shame*