I'm sorry, Blog. I haven't written lately 'cause I haven't had anything nice to say. I guess i've been a bit low down and I don't wanna go back a year later and read a bunch of depressing hoohah. I almost got my Telecaster back in time for the Alligator Alley gig. I went to pick it up and it wasn't right so I left it. Shit. I ended up using the Esquire and I wish I hadn't. Jim's set was predictably ramshackle (to put it kindly). Before a note of music was struck, I bent down to adjust a pedal and I threw something out or pinched a nerve in my back, Owie! It got a little better the next day but, as I write, it still hurts. New bass player Mark held on admirably, but the ship took him down with it. People were polite and all I can say is "better luck next time". Next up: The Dillengers. Rick had an issue with the house amp and that caused a bit of delay. We didn't recover well and it's better left forgotten.
Saturday night: Funkabillies. It was Scott's birthday so mostly everyone felt the need to get shitfaced. Predictably, the playing suffered but there were good moments. Humor: 10. Music: 6 at best. Chuck looped his cable around one of Tim's cymbal stands and lobbed a crash cymbal into a table full of drinks. Excellent! Smartass me says over the mic "Who's gonna pay the drycleaning then?" Chuck: "That would be me". I left there with ears ringing and the overwhelming odor of asstray permeating every porous surface. This morning, the family went out to Tom Sawyer's in Byoca to have breakfast and to remember Kris' dad, the honorable Jerry Hackett. We used to meet him there and have breakfast together. Sad. Months ago, I played a show that re-united some local bands from the early '80's like the Cichlids and The Kids which featured a young Johnny Depp. I played with Charlie Pickett who was an important part of that scene. I didn't know it beforehand, but Johnny Depp was going to fly in to play the show. I didn't get to stay for his part 'cause I had to go play with the Dillengers somewhere. Bummer. They professionally filmed the whole thing and it's supposed to be a big deal documentary. I'm sure the involvement of Mr.Depp is not hurting the project.
Anyway, today/tonight they had some more filming at a dump in Pompano called the Scene. Yours truly played with Charlie again and we played rather well. It was fun but the whole day was blown hanging around with the Rock Vampires and other coiffed almost-rans of the day.
If you look at this trailer, you can see my arm in a green shirt behind Charlie. Maybe i'll get some arm modeling work out of this. The first pic is from the Wurster (Worster?) gig. The second is Rick and Charlie from today. The other one is me and Ed O'Brien from Charlie's band and The Eat. They've got a best-of coming out on Alternative Tentacles. I may play some shows with them as their drummer has passed on. He was easily one of the best, Look them up.
I certainly hope the movie has captions of who these guys are. Johnny Depp is talking but they're other photos during the voice-over. Anyway, it's going to be cool watching you in a movie.
That picture of the sign made iced tea come out of my nose.
Cheer up--June 8 is just round the corner! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe it's 'cos I'm colorblind (or armblind?), but I couldn't see yer arm!
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