Friday, May 4, 2007

You've Been A Problem So Long, Maybe Someone Should Solve You.

I believe i've found the worst song ever. Not surprisingly, it's by Santana (who we will now refer to as Satana). The only Satana I really like is the first LP. Mike Shrieve was/is an excellent drummer and fellow disciple of Elvin Jones. Anyway, the song is called Open Invitation. It's so cliche and Carlosguitarlos is getting this cheesy metal-type sound (rather unconvincingly). The production (i e drum sound) is typical late 70's poof. A co-worker brought in "The Best Of Satana" and forced me to listen to it. I'd much rather sandpaper an eyeball or three than do that again. Tonight, we ate dinner at Pei Wei and it was swell. I went to Home Depot to get some crap to take 20-year old adhesive off Bob's drums. It's gonna take some elbow to remove this stuff. It clearly tells you on the label to use in a well ventilated area. Well, that would be the smart thing to do (I hope by now you're seeing where i'm going with this.). After a while, my chest felt heavy and I had to go outside for some air. I still don't feel right. Stupid. Jojo is currently sleeping in my bed so we can wake up together tomorrow. Everything is suddenly all right in the world.
P.S. There's a Yosemite pic for ya, Keith!


peter said...

nice t-shirt on top, nice pic of half dome on the bottom. happy BD to mr. michael anthony vullo, who blows santana away in my book.

Mike Vullo said...

Thank you, pete. I thought of you today 'cause we went to resurrection and had lunch at whole foods.

peter said...

i wish i was in town and could have gone with you for a snack and sticks. i'm currently in james marshall hendrix's home town, trying to pretend i'm working. but it's good to think about two of my favorite fender stratocaster players on the same day.

Keith said...

Yosemite, represent!

Mike at Glacier Point... Nice! One of my very favorite people in my very favorite place.

Happy berfday, pal-o-mine!

Kristibelle said...

Hope you had a nice day yesterday, Daddy-O.