This morning, I was hauled into my boss' office and told if I made just one mistake today, my job could be in jeopardy. I was pretty worried. Jobs are hard to come by. I don't know why but lately i've been making mistakes. Maybe my mind wanders? I certainly don't get enough sleep. When I do sleep, I wake up quite a few times during the night. I haven't had restful sleep in a while.
Kris thinks i'm depressed about something. Maybe, subliminally, i was low down about my birthday. This job has given me a variety of aches and pains. I'm on my feet all day which has sent me to a chiropractor. I used to just grind my teeth while i sleep and now it's all day. I'm 39 and i still get pimples. It's so dark there that it's making my eyesight worse. I can't blame my boss. I must seem like a real idiot to him. If you played me a song on the radio and asked me what key it's in, i could help you but I can't get a simple order right? I dream i'm one of those english rock stars. All i do is write songs all day in my garden. No one can yell at me or make me feel inferior. Where did I take a wrong turn? Who's ass didn't I kiss? God, I gotta get happy. Reading this is depressing me. OK...I'm gonna go look at Jojo sleeping. Maybe i'll pick up a guitar and some mint ice cream. Calgon, take me away!!!!!!!!!!!
Buck up fellow camper! I think the major problem in your warehouse is the lack of light la la la. It's so dark in there that it must inhibit concentration.
Don't let the bastages get you down.
Mwah! Here's to a better week.
Be seeing you this weekend I'm pretty sure, and I think I have something groovy to lay on you as a post-cinco-mayo gratuity.
Sleep deprivation can certainly have those effects, as can light deprivation, but I don't think it's necessary for your boss to put that kind of pressure on you or anyone else. Management through intimidation is bullshit. Squeezing a lemon gets good results (just ask any bluesman); squeezing a person does not.
When you take a moment and look over in your corner, you'll see Kris.. and Jojo... and Pete... and me... and many others. There is always another feeling after the current one passes, and sometimes it's even a good feeling.
By the way, the mirror pic is amazing.
Sleep deprivation is a total killer. Total. I'm in that camp and not coping well at all. It can cause all kinds of bizarre brain shut-downs not to mention the emotional trauma. Ugly. Just ask my husband, poor soul.
I started getting ridiculous pimples when I hit 30. My doctor informed me it's like a second adolescence and it happens to a lot of people. Well, comforting as that was, I still have to deal with the damned pimples. Feh. Stupid aging body.
You remind me of my husband. An artist who is working 'for the man' to get us by. It's a huge sacrifice and hard on his artistic temperament. He's not doing well. Physically or psychologically. It sucks having to pay the bills and get by in this farce of a world.
Hang in there, Mike. M'kay?
Wow! Thank you everyone! It's good to know I have support here. You're right, Keith. Squeeze a person and they tend to fart...ask jojo. Victoria, thanks for the words.I wanted to cry after reading them. If I could just make my art, i'd be happy. But in the real world, art isn't that important or the job market is way saturated. The things that pass for popular art are questionable. I feel a whole lot better (i wish gene clark did).
P.S. Pete, just bring your friendship.
You weren't kidding about the mint ice cream! I'm sorry you were down last night and I'm glad you're feeling better today. But don't stop buying good ice cream. :)
Pausing a moment to acknowledge what a gift Vic has been to me. Getting advice from her always leaves me feeling encouraged and lifted. Big hugs. Sheesh-7 years of a cyberfriendship! We must get the cross continental families together one day!
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