Yet another weekend has come and gone and the chores keep piling up. Last night's gig was almost OK. Everyone was playing at top volume and my ears are still whistling. Let's see how long it continues. It was a very expensive evening for me. I broke three sets of sticks and at one point, my bass drum pedal beater unscrewed and flew off. Luckily, I found all the parts and was able to salvage it. I got these really cool blisters for my trouble. I hate playing loudly (?!?). I got home around 4 smelling like I was doing the breaststroke in a 7-foot deep ashtray. PU! I laid down in Jojo's bed and got to sleep around 5. We were due at Kris' mom's house for brekkie at 10:30 so, as i'm writing this, i'm coasting on fumes. Thank goodness I had TWO ICED COFFEES today. (iloveyouicedcoffee!!!)
Happy Mother's Day, all! Brekkie went well. Then we went to my Mom's. We met the family at Friday's and that was INTERESTING. Got home just in time to load drums and head to Elweird's to entertain the troops. No surprises there. After i broke down my drums i went to wash my hands. When i got back, the rack tom was missing. I went into full-on red-alert panic mode. A little later, i discovered the bartender pranked me and put it on a chair under a table. Don't you hate when you're really mad and have nowhere to put it? I couldn't be mad at this person 'cause it wasn't mean-spirited. Anyway, the picture of Marnie is for you, Keith. That was when she visited in Denver. Let's have a good week, shall we? I have possible rehearsals on Tuesday and Thursday. Alligator Alley w/Jim Wurster and The Dillengers (a double-header!) on Friday (i'm thinking about changing my clothes for the different sets to see if anyone notices i'm in both bands playing different instruments). The Jetsetter on Saturday afternoon W/The Dillengers and O'Hara's W/The Gayboys that night (yet another double-header!). Some sort of filming W/Charlie Pickett for a documentary of the local SFLA scene on Sunday. Help me, ICED COFFEE MAN!!!!!!!!
There are "cool" blisters? All my blisters have sucked.
I spoke with Marnie tonight before I saw this and told her you said hi. She said hi back.
JAY-sus, you're a busy person! (I nearly wrote "busty person", but I've never known you to have boobs/moobs. If I did, I'd have grabbed them by now and tried to take one home)
What time's the Jim Wurster gig, and how much do it cost?
Starts at 10ish and i don't know about the cost. You wouldn't be missing much if you missed it....maybe a headache. You know me (you down wit OPP?).
You hate playing loudly like I love getting parking tickets Vullo, come on...;)
Somehow I knew you were going to have something to say about it.
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