Thursday, May 17, 2007
If Bushes Were Trees, Trees Would Be Falling.
I don't know why, but I can't get REM out of my head and it's starting to bug me. I am constantly going through phases where I listen to something endlessly for a while and then put it away for about 3-6 months. Before REM, it was George Jones. The Beatles phases tend to last quite a while. And I can listen to a few things during a phase. All it takes is a trigger like seeing a band on TV or reading an article and i'm off. I can't remember what kicked off the current one but here it is and it's getting to be time to replace it. I haven't gotten into a Jimi Hendrix phase in a while...maybe that'll be next. Anyway, this morning I woke up with "Stand" and "Can't Get There From Here" rolling around in my brain at the same time. They're not even in the same key! When "Stand" came out, i liked it and then it became annoying. I'm back to liking it now. It's a pretty clever song. And it's not "Shiny, Happy etc.". Do we just not like happy songs? I like Otis Redding's "Dum Dum (Happy Song)".
I often wake up with a song in my head. It's really distracting. Yesterday, it was "World Leader Pretend". Not the whole song. Just the piano flourish that leads up to the chorus. Over and over and over. It could be worse. It could be the beeping in "Helter Skelter". Tomorrow is the Jim/Dillengergig and i'm a bit nervous about that. I was gonna play mandolin for a few songs but I couldn't come up with a pickup for it in time. I haven't got my Telecaster back yet either. I hope it's tomorrow! I have a long list of things to pack; drum stuff, guitar stuff...i'd like to bring a camera to post some pics from the thing. I'll probably forget. I'm also happy to report i've gotten my iced coffee consumption down to once a week during school days. Now if only I could stop the REM..........
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I wake up with some song or another in my head every single day without fail. It's like my brain turns on and slides a quarter into my inner jukebox. Usually it's pretty random (maybe I'll start writing 'em down just to see what each week's playlist looks like), but I've been listening to a lot of Fountains of Wayne so today's Song O' The Morn was one of their's, tho' I can't remember the details now.
I never listened to very much REM outside of the commercial stuff. Maybe I should change that.
I always have a song repeating in my head... always of what I am currently playing on iTunes.
I have been on an R.E.M. kick for a little over a month and when you posted, it only made me go digging for more. GREEN is just so fucking great.
did you see ICONOCLASTS with Mario Betali (sp?) and Michael Stipe ? it was a terrific episode with quite an interesting vantage of Stipe from a friend's perspective.
anyway, may I suggest a delve into the world of Lily Allen ? ...ALRIGHT, STILL is such a great album.. i played it non-stop for at least 2 months.
or Paul Simon's SURPRISE (and revisit to GRACELAND) ? hmmm maybe not but that was another month or two of listening for me LOL
You know what you did right? You have asked to start The Evil Game: The Blog Version 1.0
I'll start:
"Everyone's watching
to see what you will do.
Everyone's lookin'
at you.
Careful. When your brain reaches Mike Reno's "Hey Hey-ay-HEY!" near the end of the song, it gets painful.
It's still all about Good Advices for me, and Harborcoat for one of the rockers. Neither of those remind me of Matt Craig.
There's a splinter in your eye and it reads: "React." R-E-A-C-T.
"Keep your hat on your head, home is a long way away. At the end of the day, when there are no friends, and there are no lovers, who are you going to call for?"
Boy do those words resonate, and this is one of the few early songs where I can even understand what he's singing.
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