Here are some older RoosterHead photos contributed by Sarah (thanks!). At the last Eat gig, I went to the record store that's down the street and I saw the staff there playing Beatles Monopoly and it got me started looking for it again. I found it yesterday at the Borders in Byoca. Me and Kris played it last night and she kicked my ass on it. I was happy to at least own Beatles' '65.
I'm in a new phase now and it's the Doors. I bought some magazine with them in it it a few weeks ago and that planted the seed. My first Doors memory happened when I was probably about four or so. I remember my Dad really liking Riders On The Storm (I guess it would have been pretty new at the time) and I have a clear memory of driving somewhere in New York and it was raining pretty hard and that song came on the AM radio. It was the perfect soundtrack for what was out the window. Later on, my friend Pete really got me into them in 6th grade. I knew about them but he had all the important info. I remember he made me a tape with the Apocalypse Now version of The End on it with Jim yelling Fuck and that was pretty cool in 6th grade. Pete was always ahead of his years. I remember, before knowing Pete, owning Weird Scenes Inside The Gold Mine which was a compilation. Through a series of trades with him, I aquired Doors 13 which was another compilation.
I was reading that Doors article and I really like something Robbie Krieger said. He said Jim was only a shaman and a sex symbol and all that junk to other people. To the band he was just Jim. I never really got into the Morrison myth. I always thought what I read about him portrayed him as a spoiled pain in the ass with really bad habits. I knew people just like him. They were weird in their own way and definitely followed their own paths. It sucks when you get older and find out your heroes could be giant assholes. Like John Lennon. When you're a kid, you're impressed with their ability to stand out from the pack and maybe what they believe in but that doesn't mean you really know them at all. But I did think Jim was a great singer for someone who couldn't sing. And Love Street and Indian Summer are cool songs. I always thought Robbie had his own stlye and sound. I learned a lot from John Densmore like the latin beat and the bossa nova. That was some of my first exposure to that stuff. Pete abandoned the Doors long ago for more heady pasture but I still find merit in what they did.
I guess you weren't there when I got back into the Doors. Didn't I ask you fairly recently if you had the first or second album in mono? I need need to hear the first album in mono, the stereo separation on that record is downright annoying it's so primitive. Krieger has again become one of my very favorite guitarists ever. His solo on Light My Fire is still a masterpiece to me. I get irritated at Ray's organ solo, but then Robbie floats in on a breeze with such a tender sounding solo, and very Indian. (He was a student of Ravi in LA at this time, yadda yadda blah blah.) That whole first album is the absolute shiznit, Soul Kitchen, Whiskey Bar, everything. Later things too. Touch Me is still a major favorite song. The Changeling. I don't care if Jim was an asshole, he rocks. Still got that Doors 13 vinyl?
Yeah, I still have it. The cover's gone and it's scratched to shit. The Doors on vinyl sucks. Like a lot of Atlantic/Atco releases of the time, the were pressed very quietly. Sometimes you can hear vinyl noise louder than the band. Capitol never seemed to have that problem. Most of my Otis and early Bee Gees (and Cream and Odessey & Oracle) suffer from this. I'm sure the new re-issue vinyl is much better. On a non-related note, do you have my Ladies and Gentlemen The Rolling Stones DVD? I'm starting to lose track of things and that's one thing I can't find.
I just saw this post (after finding the Morrison book in the outhouse/your library) and before I even read it I was thinking about how The Doors would be a great band to get re-obsessed with as on of my favorite seasons/holidays approaches. To avoid getting into anything too "out there" (as well as keep lurkers from thinking your wife is a some kind of crazy pagan devil worshiper), I'll just say that Morrison's very male energy makes for good balance this time of year for me.
That and I mean, come on, asshole or not, he was hot.
Wanna meet me upstairs later? We could listen to Spanish Caravan and sacrifice a squirrel.
You're funny.
By the way, nice turtleneck. Was that on loan?
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