Right about now, I should be talking about the great Charlie Pickett/Mr. Entertainment/The EAT show at Churchill's last weekend and I will get to it eventually. Lately, i've been a little obsessed with an old band I was in called RoosterHead. It all started when I found out Mr. E's bass player, Brandon, was a fan of that band. For years, I didn't think too much about it. There were some bad memories associated with the whole thing. Thankfully, it didn't break up badly or anything. I just moved out of state and that ended my time with them. I kept in touch with most of them. While I was gone, two members died of drug abuse/suicide. A few years back, I decided to try to get the band back together just to see if we could still play music together and only that. It didn't go very well and that's why I put it out of my mind.
But here I am now going over the old songs and now most of the memories are good (and great songs they are!!!). I still work with Bob just about every week. I see John quite regularly, too. Pete and Mike are dead so I don't see them much. I never really had a real relationship with Mike. We had conversations and spent a lot of time together but I can't say I really knew him. I used to go to Pete's house every now and then to discuss the merits of the Monkees. Bongo was our helper of sorts and generally made our lives easier. He's in the Funkabilly Playboys with me. I never hear from Dave. I don't have any way of getting a hold of him and I like it that way. Something snapped in him and he decided not to like me one day. He was the main problem when we tried to reunite. He's probably what would stand in the way of it ever happening again. One day, i'll post some good memories and if I find someone willing to transfer some videotapes to DVDs or QuickTime files i'll post some YouTube videos. And if anyone reading this has pix or anything, pass 'em on. All in all, they were a great fucking band and probably the best i'll ever be in. I miss them.
CRAP! I didn't proof before I posted:
Back when you were in Roosterhead, I was into my own thing and unfortunately for me, missed out on a great band. I'm glad you still have all the memories. But they're not "just" memories ("oh shit, she's getting ethereal"): The energy surrounding the memory of Roosterhead--and in the recordings, the photos, the videos--is really unique and should be cherished. And I think that's one of the reasons a reunion is impossible (aside from the necessity of hiring a medium). Trying to replicate something so special would tarnish the original.
Like Led Zeppelin?
Where ya goin' with that?
Ask Robert Plant, he caved in for a reunion tour.
I don't understand where you're coming from. Roosterhead never made our Physical Graffiti; as far as I know, no one choked on vomit--only on negativity; and Roosterhead lost 2 key members, rather than just the drummer. And everyone knows drummers are easily replaced.
i.e. The Who, The Ramones, and maybe Crazy Fingers.
"Trying to replicate something so special would tarnish the original."
Like Zeppelin, dude/dudette, that was my angle...;)
Funny you said dude/dudette because Mike dictated that comment to me while we were being lazy this morning. I thought people would pick up on the correct semicolon usage ;b
And so they did.
You guys should probably call each other or something.
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