Tonight, I went to the gig with a blazing headache. Can't say I was really in the mood to play. Rick informed me that we would probably be doing a half hour on acoustic guitars because Charlie (who's filling in for Bill) had to leave early to make his own gig. I started noticing people paying attention to what I was doing and I wondered what was up. Someone told me that Stanton Moore was playing at City Limits behind us tonight. I don't know much about him...only I've seen him in the drum fag magazines all the time and I've heard his band Galactic. Not a few minutes after I was told this, he comes strolling by. He stopped to listen and smiled and walked on. He did this a few times. I just looked at some of his stuff on Youtube and it is impressive but I think he's one of those musician's musicians where drummers and their buddies get together and ANALyze his every fill and what kind of sticks he uses. Well, it was nice to be cruised by him anyway. Time came for Charlie to leave and we were just getting the acoustics out when Rick anounced that Rick had arrived. He meant this guy Rick Krevy (?). I'd heard of him through other people. I have to say I was a little leery 'cause I didn't know what he'd be like. He set up and we started playing and it was wonderful. We did some Ray Charles and Jimmy Smith-type organ jazz and Watermelon Man and even The Girl From Ipanema. It was loads of fun and I felt shitty about pre-judging the situation. This week will probably be the last session at Bob's. Last Thursday, I pretty much completed my song except for vocals. Matt came along and did some acoustic guitar playing and helped me add some stereo wah to Jim's song. This is also the last week to rehearse with The Eat for the show on Friday. Since this may be the last show for a while, Kris agreed to go.
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