I must be fighting something off. I've been feeling sluggish for a short while now. Maybe i'm not getting enough sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be a stressful day but thankfully it'll end with Charlie's record store gig. Tallahassee was fun. We (the band and Karen Wideen) left real early in the morning. Even riding up there was fun. It was nice to be stuck with some fellow music freaks. We talked a lot about it. Charlie would ask us weird questions like "If you could form a fantasy band, who would be in it alive or dead?" I never really thought about that stuff. And I got to play Ipod DJ which is one of my most favorite things to do. Last weekend, I was talking to Steven and he said that was also one of his favorite things (insert John Coltrane right about now). I asked him if I could show up with some records at the store and spin them and he thought it would be a good idea so hopefully i'll do that someday.
Anyway, we went to the venue which happened to be an American Legion hall and met up with Jeff and did a soundcheck. They had a piano so I helped myself to it. The place was pretty big and empty so it was plenty loud. Can't say I was happy about the drum situation. They were older Tamas and they sounded real dead but I was glad to not have to lug all my shit up there (but if there is a next time, that's exactly what i'm going to do). Next stop? Guitar Center so Rick could buy some strings. We all found instruments to bang on and I had a ten-second jam with Charlie on dobro and me on banjo. With strings in hand, we headed to a Econolodge and got a room. Rick, Jeff and I headed to the local Goodwill on foot to maybe get lucky and buy some cool souvenirs. Rick bought a wallet and a shirt ( I think). I got a record of Chet Atkins' of Christmas music. I also bought something to wear for the gig. I thought it was a dress but it turned out to be a really large dashiki. I wore it like a dress anyway. We got back and went out to Mexican dinner with a friend of Rick's that he used to play with named Tom. The swell guy bought everybody dinner! Thanks, Tom!
Gig time rolled around and we went back to the Legion hall. The first band was already playing. I poked my head in the door and saw mostly old people and not very many of them. There was a coffee shop behind the place so we ended up there. Ed's nephew, Ryan, met us there and stayed for the show. The next band started (a Neil Young tribute band!) so we thought we would go over and check them out. There was this great couple ballroom dancing to every song no matter the tempo. We finally went on and it was a good show. Can't really remember anything unusual happening except we went over pretty well. Karen sold 13 cds! Charlie signed some autographs and we were out of there.
Back at the hotel, it was lights out pretty quickly. It was a long day. I woke up after a short while and had to put some earplugs in 'cause somebody was sawing logs. I woke up and things were already in motion. I was the last to get up. We got out of there, got breakfast through a window, and got home pretty quickly. I still haven't slept real well but i'm gonna try tonight.
1 comment:
Feeling ya: Tama...not my first choice.
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