Hello, yeah it's been a while. Not much how 'bout you? I'm not sure why I called. I guess I really just wanted to talk to you. I have so much to say but i'm sure I won't remember it all. A while ago, I had a hearing test. Actually , lemme start further back. Lately, my voice has sounded really nasally and when I sing (if you can call it that), I tend to blow out my voice and then it comes back in a day or two. Lately, it's been taking a week or so and that got me worried. So I went to and Ear, Nose and Throat guy and he suggested a hearing test for some reason. I had one last year and it wasn't too good. OK, so I had another one and my right ear is way worse than the left. He thinks I might have this Minnear's Disease which makes you collect fluid in your ear with no real good way to get it out. So I have to have an MRI to rule out a possible tumor...fun.
Tuesday night, i'm having a sleep test done to find out what's wrong there. I sleep pretty horribly. I wake up quite a few times during the night and i'm always tired because of it. I know ('cause Kris tells me) that I have sleep apnea which means I stop breathing now and then in my sleep. So I gotta go to this place and they monitor my sleep patterns. That ought to be good. I'm taking Wednesday off work 'cause i'm gonna be pretty wiped out.
A guy I know is having an art show in a record store in Ft. Lauderdale and i'm gonna play a few songs during it and that should be fun. I'm putting together a makeshift band for it and we're gonna have a few rehearsals in March. I'm really nervous about it. I haven't led a band since I lived in SF so it's been a while. I'm playing with some great folks though; Pete Lavezzoli is gonna play drums and Rick Rossano is gonna play bass and my friend Matt is gonna play guitar. Musically, it should be great with all that talent pooled together.
Let's see.....this weekend was O'Hara's and that went well. We played pretty well and that was good. Last night, we went to South Beach to celebrate my friend Jen's birthday at an Irish pub down there. The main attraction was a U2 tribute band and they were OK. They were having sound and power problems and you can't blame them for that. We ended up spending a lot of money but it was worth it to get out of the house.
Today, Rick put new power tubes in the Vox and so far so good. Our gig at Elwood's went OK. It was really hot and folks weren't all that responsive but that's OK. Matt and Shauna came out and Sean was there and we had great conversation and hopefully we're gonna find the U23D movie and see it up north. This week, it's back to the hectic schedule.....I have the sleep study on Tuesday, a gig at the Quillo Theater in WPB on Thursday, a gig at Alligator Alley on Friday, a gig at O'Hara's on Saturday and Elwood's again on Sunday...Coffee Up, Boys!!!
Let me be the one to calm your readers and inform everyone that the MRI is ruling out a very rare benign growth called an acoustic neuroma: a slow growing non-cancerous tumor that develops on the eighth cranial nerve. Because it causes the same symptoms, it has be ruled out in order to diagnose Menieres. BTW, did you call to schedule that yet? 0:) (like my halo?)
Hey! You forgot to mention how you were voted most popular to hang on in the water at the 5 year old pool party.
Great weekend--thanks, lurve.
I've had cases of acoustic neurosis, but that's a little different.
Hey, it's Georgie's birthday!
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