Today is the day Buddy Holly didn't make it home. His pregnant wife had a miscarriage soon after. Tonight, I will be watching some Buddy films and i'll be thinking of him. Last night's gig was an overwhelming success. There was alot of people there to see The Eat and there was a really good vibe hanging in the room. It was great to see the guys smiling....probably reliving 1980 in their heads. I could go into specifics but it would be a waste of time. It was a great time and I was honored to be part of it. Today, I haven't done much of anything. I gotta catch up on housework that I neglected all last week. This coming week is not too busy in the playing department. I wish someone would kick my head off so these neck/shoulder aches would go away.
No beard for the Eat? I found an Indian pressing of Wonderwall Music you might be interested in seeing. Plus, you will not believe who just contacted me from our past, and what he is doing now. Trust me when I tell you it will shock you.
PS...wait for me to get back Friday to see the U2 3D again, eh?
Well, what time are you supposed to get back? And who would I be surprised about? We were planning on seeing the 8:40 show 'cause we have to pick up Johanna after the moovie.
Friday nite 840? I'm playing Garlic Fest but I'll give a ring.
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