Hey, bloggerville! Sorry I haven't been here for you. I've been on Safari in Kendall. Things here good and bad. So much has happened since the last time we talked, so i'll keep it to myself 'cause you wouldn't understand. Johanna's got a loose tooth and is having a music class that appreciates the masters. Jimi Hendrix, Lou Diamond Phillips, The guy who invented the Nose Flute. Last night was our (Eat) last rehearsal before the Big Gig (in the sky). I have to say (i have to think), i'm really nervous and i'm sure i'm just doing it to myself (insert joke here). I don't know why but I feel like i'm going to be unfavorably compared to their drummer who I can't touch with a ten-foot easter bunny.
I was out with a friend (Jen) and we saw the U2-3D movie (which I will be attending again sometime next week) and she confirmed that all of my "I suck" yammering is really annoying. I have to say I fully agree but it's hard to undo years of training and practice. This year, i'm going to try to do my best to keep quiet. Today, I pick up my beloved Stratocaster from the shop in Port Saint Lucie. The time before last that I used it (pics in the previous post), i got a little excited and threw it and it landed on it's face. It made for a really cool Rockstar moment but it's costing me 100 bucks to patch her up again. Dummmy. Saying this is a guarantee it's gonna happen again...probably at the Garlic Fest next week. I'm also playing at Churchill's (again) with Charlie Pickett on Saturday.
Fuck the SuperBowl! I'm not playing Elwood's tomorrow because of that huge waste of time. We're gonna watch the PuppyBowl on Animal Planet. Sadly, I had to let go of the beard. It did it's job well and made me look like a smelly old man (which is what I was going for). I also joined an Yahoo group for aging Punk Rocks that's going well. Now THEY have to listen to my rambling about third pressing Rubber Souls from Holland. Fuck 'em. They should have never invited me. I wouldn't have. Last night was a sooprize party for Yves (of destruction) and fun was had by several. My social anxiety converted me into a very annoying, unfunny lunatic who wouldn't go away. Better luck next time. I hope someday I can just have normal conversations.
1 comment:
Ahem, I may be far from the most normal of the group, but I happened to greatly enjoy my brief, but interesting, conversations with you and was most pleased to see your clean shaven self out in the wilds of Lighthouse Point. (Or wherever the heck we were.)
So there.
And you didn't think I read these things did you? Nah nah nah!
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