This weekend, i've been a facking cack. So the Funkabillys played the Garlic Fest in Delray on Saturday morn and I don't think it went too well. I was really nervous and it facked with my playing. Here's where the usual excuses come into play; I was expecting a lower-wattage amp (i was asked not to bring my own...mistake #1) and there was this high-power monster waiting for me. While I was playing, my guitar sounded like really loud paper tearing. The sound on stage was pretty bad too. It was really bass-heavy and I was having a hard time hearing/connecting with the drums. That made it really uncomfortable. I really wanted to do well in front of our peeps and I guess, in retrospect, it probably wasn't that bad. Everyone in the band was staying away from me when we finished 'cause I was sending out really rank vibes. I didn't say anything to anyone and I left. I'd like to apologize right here and now for being a Betch. Sometimes I can be real difficult to play with when I take things too seriously. Sorry, guys.
Last night, I played Churchill's with Charlie Pickett and he was in some kind of mood and we cut the show short just as it was building up some steam. I'm glad it wasn't my fault. I talked to Ed about possibly playing another Eat show and he wasn't against it. So that could happen. This afternoon, I went down to a new record store in Ft. Lauderdale and bought a few things. They had some cool records that hopefully will still be there next time I go. Tonight's Dillengers gig went pretty OK. I think we must've inspired Rick to play at the top of his game 'cause he was killin' it! A very good end to a semi-lousy weekend.
I've been having some mental issues lately and I think they're spilling over into everything. I think I just need to listen to Pet Sounds in 5:1 and that should cure everything. I friend asked if i'd help him with a show in Ft. La uderdale in March and i'm a little nervous about it 'cause i'll be doing a few songs solo on an acoustic guitar. Could be fun....could be a disaster. Tuesday, we're going to see the U2 movie yet again. I'd like to see it before it leaves the theater.
I'm going back to see 3D again tonite (Monday) with Teri and company, rest of the week I'm shot.
Next time you go to a record store in Ft Laud without calling me, you're in deep doo doo, dude.
I thought about caling you but I promise next time I go, you're there. This acoustic thing i'm doing is actually in that store and I have to do a Brian Wilson song and a Skip Spence song. It's an exhibition of art made by the insane so they wanted to couple music by artists that may have....similar issues. I'm thinking of doing I'm Waiting For The Day ('cause it's easy).
Coupled with which Skippy? My Best Friend from Surrealistic Pillow? One of his best songs.
Hey Mike!
As an untrained member of the listening/viewing public, I thought that overall, the Garlic show came off pretty sweetly! The issues with the sound mix you allude to were not dealbreakers; you guys had that crowd at the end. Trust me, we got our money's worth and then some...Rodney took some awesome pics of the show if ya wanna see 'em...I'll zip and send.
I 'spose this is Terence speaking? Hope so. Thanks for the kind words. It's my own fault. I threw the game after having to listen to myself suck. The pix would be swell. You know where to reach me?
I can't help but feel that my angst about my life and my job were part of your crappy day and then the sound at the Garlic Fest just added to it. But I'm not sorry. Because it's just part of us being on that same funky vibe that makes us--well-us: the very different, but inevitable twin souls that keep people scratching their heads.
I love you so much, it's nauseating.
F'n typos...what can ya do.
It is indeed Terrence...Seriously though man, you guys did well; you guys dished out a healthy dose of enjoyment to a lot of folks, so don't sweat it. Shoot me an email address and I'll get the pics over to you...and Heyeee Kristie!
I have to remember not to put my email as it's used in the comments. Those bastard spammers are probably going nucking futs. I should have written fortyfives at hotmail dot com....oh wait, I just did.
OMG. You do listen to me!
Excuse me Mr V, but I was there front and center at the Garlic Fest. (I even had the garlic breath later to prove it!)
Not that I'm prejudiced about my friends or anything, but I think you're WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too hard on yourself. Stop that! Don't make me come over there! Grrrrrr....
I and all the folks with me agreed that you guys did one hell of a job! Sounded great where I was. The next band after you was soooooo unbelievably loud. Ack!
I wanted you guys to come back...
Thank you! Everyone has been so kind to me over this silly thing. Big shows are hard to play when you're used to playing in clubs where the response is so immediate (and it's not so nerve wracking!). I will always have my own gear in the future!
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