Last night, Dave did his podcast over Keith's and we guested. We picked some albums to discuss and we sort of gave our critical opinion of them. It was a lot of fun. We didn't get finished 'til 'round midnight. Dave has a lot of shits and fucks to edit out. When it's edited, i'll post a link to it if anyone cares to hear it. It's nice to have such eloquent friends. Gabby had to push us out of there or we'd still be carrying on. Sorry, Gab! All of this made me think about some of my musical mentors.
The first would be my Dad. When I was little, he'd play me all this weird music and explain it to me. I got my first exposure to Classical from him. And he was a fan of Memphis Soul which I still love today. My Mom's side of the family would get together and harmonize doo-wop style at all the get togethers and that certainly influenced me. I mentioned Uncle Anthony a few posts back. And then there's Pete Lavezzoli, my oldest friend. We totally bonded as children over music. He had very advanced taste for a sixth-grader. He still turns me on to cool music and i 'spose I do the same for him. I also met this guy in San Francisco named Derek Taylor who broadened my tastes. He got me to go outside the box and appreciate some pretty far out stuff. He still influences me even though I haven't seen or heard from him in years. I don't really know where he is.
Mojo magazine is also a huge one. You can find me on a Tuesday at Barnes and Noble every month buying my Mojo as soon as it gets there. There is so much great information inside every issue. I re-read them all the time. And I wear my Mojo shirt with pride. I guess just about everyone influences my taste in some way. If I hung around Dave long enough, i'm sure i'd max out a credit card trying to keep up. We need a RECORD store around here! Today, I bought The Best of Harry Belafonte and that's where i'm at right now.
Wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, Mike.
you were always my best musical mentor... I learned more from you, than any class taught or book read.
thank you so much for that
"Sleep delays my life,
Where does time go? "
dude, YOU had a very advanced taste in music for a sixth-grader, i definitely remember raiding your record collection for stuff, and i still do.
Thanks, friends. You all have influenced me and have excellent taste in music and that's probably why we're friends (among other things). I'm still on the quest for something I haven't heard before.
I must mention Kris 'cause she broke down a few musical prejudices that I had and gave me some great stuff to listen to. And she's still on the quest. Last night, she played me some new stuff. It's all about breaking down the barriers and not prejudging something you know you won't like. There's rewards in there every time.
Thanks, babe.
I'm not on the lecture circuit this summer, so anyone interested in Musical Tolerance Traning for professional development or team building can contact my agent, Malley Vullo.
something you haven't heard before? Have you been subjected to the likes of John Cage, Alvin Lucier,or Bugallo/Williams? My dad's the president of the South Florida Composer's Alliance: you guys should go with me next year to the Subtropics Festival in Feb/Mar. That's why I was south in March. Weird stuff, but wildly intriguing.Great to talk to you the other night...
I'm in the process of subjecting him to Cage among other weirdos, hang tight.
Sounds really interesting! We should get a whole gang to go. Nice talking to you, too!
We should do this more often, only without Dave.
dave's not here. (cough)
That's right, he's not here. He's been busy editing this friggin' thing...
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