I've got a humongous headache that's not going away. I took a pain killer and I hope it does what it says. My neck is out of whack and that's probably what's doing it. Last week, I had some self-esteem crushing moments with other people that set off a mild depression so that's why I haven't written much lately. I'm better now. As promised, this week has already been busy. Jojo went to NC with Grandma and I REALLY miss her. I've been having dreams about her. I don't remember what's happening in them but she's in them. I hardly ever remember my dreams the next day. Maybe they're never good. Who knows?
Sunday, we saw the Led Zeppelin tribute band at City Limits and they were kinda funny but good. The Bonzo-alike did a great job on Moby Dick and the Robert Plant-alike had big balls...like the real one. Last night, we saw the Simpsons' movie and it was very funny. I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Tonight, we saw the newest Harry Potter and that was good also. We very rarely get to see any movies with my schedule and the kid and all. It was a treat. My face is starting to hurt. Tomorrow: Bamboom. Thurtsday: Zombies. Friday : hopefully no headache.
Make an appointment to see Jan (pronounced Yahn) Vlaar at VIP Therapy on Boynton Beach Blvd. He is THE most AMAZING therapist I've yet found. He helped me dissolve all pain and some dysfunction. 561-740-4555. He does the kind of session I strive to do. Call him NOW!
And failing that, an iced coffee will do.
Smaller head = smaller headaches. Blame that crazybig cranium of yours...
(Just testing that self-esteem) ;-)
Hmm. So are you suggesting a head shrinker?
Thanks for the info. If I ever get off the CRAZY TRAIN, i'll call him up.
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