Jeez! Now i've got it down to once a week. I really gotta find the time to blog more (KEITH!). Just kidding. I know you're busy. Last post, I was gonna include something about Paul McCartney's new album and I forgot. After Kris telling me I shouldn't write off the whole album "cause I didn't like the single (thanks!), I went out and got Memory Almost Full. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. It's quite good. I'm even starting to like Dance Tonight. It's kinda like what I said in an earlier post about REM's Stand. At first it was annoying but i've grown to like it. Good job, Mr. McCartney! I'm sorry I doubted you. The Twotles (Ringo and the other guy) were on Larry King this week and that was cool. As you've probably already read, Larry called Ringo "George". What an idiot. It was nice to see anything Beatles-oriented on TV. It was also nice to see Yoko and Olivia. I'm a big Yoko fan. Fuck You.
Now that i've gotten that out of the way, Tuesday I went to see my friend Sean Hanley play at Elwood's and that was fun. He plays some great songs and I sat in with Woody for half the night. I must say Woody sounded fantastic! Looked good, too. We played some Beatles and Elvis Costello and some other songs I can't remember. I did some off-mic harmonies that didn't deserve to be heard and Sean was kind not to tell me to shut the hell up. This past week was very busy work-wise and i'm sore in places I didn't know I had/have. I've been sweating with all the heat and I got a great honker of a zit on the forehead (see photo). OH, NO!!!! A ZIT ON PROM NIGHT!!! I'LL BE RUINED!!!! Friday, The Dillengers played Elwood's and Bill was back from Alabama/New Orleans and it was nice to have him back. Some drunk lady kept invading the stage to request some drivel and it took a member of the crowd to tell her to get off. Nicely done! Yesterday, I brought some amps to The Amp Shop and Parlor to be repaired and I saw the coolest old amp that i'm going to layaway. It's a '60's Gibson Invader all-tube jobbie with 10 and 12 inch speakers. Neato!
Last night was O'Hara's with the Punkandfrilly Playtoys. Effort - 10. Execution - 6. We finally managed to get all the way through War Pigs which is why my voice sounds like a squeak today. Can't really remember too much about the evening (even though it was just last night)...Oh, wait. Matt from the Spoon Benders was there with Judy Blem and crew and Matt said some nice things about my playing and we had a good conversation. At the end of the night, Judy beat me up about not taking a compliment well and I deserved it. I don't know why but i've never been able to take compliments. I'd like to apologize to anyone who's tried to say nice things to me and i've gone all low-self-esteem on them and made them feel like their opinion is shit. It's something I need to work on. Judy suggested I just say thank you instead of giving 30 reasons why I suck. I hope to learn to take your advice. I must also point out Kris has told me those things quite a bit so I thank her for making me aware of it.
For the last two mornings, I've had the pleasure of having breakfast with Jeff Schwier. He's a friend from Apollo Beach who's in town to see some gigs and pick up some drum parts from me for his son. We sat talking about music and the lack of a scene here. Great guy. He co-runs Charlie Pickett's site www.trashfever.com and he offered to put some mp3s of some of my songs on his site....thanks, pally!
Now i'd like to switch gears and list the music i've been listening to this week;
1. Sam Phillips - Martinis and Bikinis
I've loved this album since it came out in '94. Great production and it reminds me at times of what the Beatles might sound like with a female singer.
2. The Who Sell Out - Petra Haden
This is a remake of The Who's 1968 lp, Sell Out done acapella on a four-track cassette machine.
3. The Bee Gees - First
Revolver with mellotron.
4. Dirty Dancing - Soundtrack
Fuck you! This is great! This soundtrack informed the world that Otis Redding had more than Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay. And it also contains Be My Baby by The Ronettes which one of THE GREATEST SONGS EVER!!!
5. The Doors/Love/Beach Boys/Velvet Underground & Nico - The Doors/Forever Changes/Smiley Smile/Velvet Underground & Nico
I was all into the class of '67 (#3 was part of that)
Tonight is Elwood's and trash duty.
I never did have another weird dream last week. But i'm still trying
Martinis & Bikinis is yet another album that I told Keith about that he has yet to listen to (and I'm featuring it in Episode 27 of WFW). Got to meet Jerry Scheff when Sam Phillips played here in DC. Super nice guy, and he's played with both Elvises.
You suck. She would/will never come here. Great album, though. Same Rain=Revolver!
I'm also pretty sure I gave T-Bone Burnett my tape that day. Never heard back from him, so I guess he thought your playing sucked.
Why? Did you tell him I played the out-of-tempo acoustic guitar? Or was it the limp-wristed hello kitty vocals?
I'm laughing so hard, I may vomit.
Well, that's just a bonus, isn't it?
Yes, even moreso if I were to vomit on you, Dave.
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