Friday, July 13, 2007

Eecha, Aacha, Oocha.

Last night at The Bamboo Room, we broke the land speed record for loud power trios. Blue Cheer had nothing on us...'cept cool hair. Some SpoonBenders were there and I had a guitar conversation with their guitarist Matt. Today, I finally got in touch with my cousin Jimmy who's here (Naples area) on vacation. I haven't seen him since the last time I was in New York which was probably 1988? He was my favorite cousin when I was little. Most of the memories I have of him are when I was five. I'm gonna go see him tomorrow and I hope we are similar. Unfortunately, we didn't grow up together. I envy people who's relatives are close. All of mine are in New York so I can't say I really know them well.

Jimmy's parents were the cool couple in our family. They were into music and dance and had a great record collection. Jimmy told me my Uncle Anthony died a few months back. Uncle Anthony was my first musical influence. He could play guitar and he did so at family parties. He had a Dion-Van Morrison kind of voice and he sang a lot of Beatles and doo-wop stuff. Last time I saw him, he gave me a tape of some unfinished songs he was writing and he asked me to finish them. I never got around to it because a lot of the ideas were just short fragments. RIP, Anthony Giattino. I hope you would have been proud of me for carrying on the tradition.


Kristibelle said...

You need to find that tape.

peter said...

We need to find that hair.

Mike Vullo said...

I've got it on my ass.