At approx. 11:59 am, I thought a lot about Peace and Love and Richard Starkey. I love Ringo. There. I've said it. When I lived in San Francisco, I had a cat named Ringo and never once did it sound weird to say. When I moved back here, I had him flown in where he lived the easy life until he kicked it old school about a week after Johanna was born. The Drunkabilly Gaylords cover "Don't Pass Me By" and when I brought it in, I might not have mentioned it being a Beatles song. We do it like a Cajun stomp. I used to do it in another band years ago like the way the Georgia Satellites did on their second album. I have made a decent living copying Mr. Starr and still do. I might have posted this before but I got to shake his hand the first time I saw the All-Starr show at the Sunrise Musical Theater. He was ending an encore and I reached up and he took my hand. I still haven't washed it. It's a long story...Tonight, in honor of the Ring, Johanna made it Beatlenight. We watched A Hard Day's Night and I made her sing a few Beatle tunes (see video). We posed with our favorite Beatle. Malley got saddled with Ringo and, as you can see, he didn't take it well. Everyone's a critic. We very nearly polished off a pint of Ben & Jerry's John Lennon Whirled Peace ice cream. I am FUCKING BEAT!!!!!!!! Like a jackass, I stayed up late to get my memory logged and it wired me. It took me forever to fall asleep and I was/am real tired today. I dragged ass at work and my boss was very understanding. I'm gonna hit the pillow with a POW!!!!!! My friend Keith wants to go wah-wah shopping and i'm excited. I hope he gets something really expensive so I can borrow it. I've got about five of them so i'm cut off.
Happy Berfday, Steven.
Jai Guru DIVA is more like it, Johanna rocks!
Thanks, Uncle Pete. I didn't really notice it but Malley loooks kinda like Ringo (Starr) in that picture.
Hey I thought it was Ringo day, how come nobody else held up his picture as their favorite? Malley could have sported the Lennon portrait for a change. Same old story, the drummer always gets the shaft. Well, figuratively.
You're implying that Malley's opinion isn't valid. You realize that, right? ^"^
Uh, no...just saying Vullo could have given the Ringo portrait the props.
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