Thursday night, we took Johanna to see Ringo Starr and the All-Stars at the Hard Rock thingy. This was her first real concert. We had pretty good seats stage left in the upper level but we could see everyone just fine. Jo was real excited to see a real Beatle in the flesh. But she was bored when Ringo wasn't the focus. She was mock fainting Beatlemania-style. Funny. It was a great show. I always try to see him when he comes to town.
Friday was the 4th and I had to do some music store shopping which I always dread. I HATE going to the music store. The employees are generally into one kind of music and, in their opinion, everything else sucks and they're not afraid to tell you so. I tend to use weird supplies like thin sticks or drumheads. Not cool. I like these picks that are almost shaped like a rounded Dorito. I used to be able to find them anywhere and now it's impossible. So I bought some unpopular drum stuff and I went to the guitar counter and asked for said picks. "Oh, nobody uses those things anymore". I wanted to smack the shit out of this idiot. Music stores only seem to cater to Metallica fans or idiots....OK, same thing (just kidding). I could rant on about this for weeks but i'll end up forgetting what I was supposed to be journaling.
So Friday we went to Mizner Park and watched the fireworks in the rain. I had to carry Jojo so my back still hurts. I'll probably have to carry her until she decides i'm uncool. What can I say? I'm a sucker. Saturday, I went to my friend Steven's berfday party. I arrived early and hung out with the Kramers. We ended up playing some music with Tess and Dani(?) and that was a lot of fun. I'm not a good socializer (NO!), so after awhile I was feeling nervous and I had to split. There was a house full of people I don't know and that freaks me out. And I had to go because I had a gig at Boston's (see pix by Judy Blem). I was hoping we'd do well and I guess we did. I don't think we played all that well and it seemed to take awhile for the crowd to warm to us but management and staff were happy and that counts. Chuck's voice was a goner before we even started so I sang more than I wanted to. We had some guests come up and do their thing and that helped. Scott's friend Jeff came up and played some. Kris told me I looked real upset when he came up and I kinda was just 'cause I wasn't expecting it. He was great and we played well together. Dee came up and tore the house down...always hard to follow her...Bitch! Just kidding. You know I love you (if you're reading this). I don't know why I was inclined to drop my pants. Habit maybe. It was a good night and I was real glad Kris was there. I ran into a lot of people I haven't seen in years. Crazy.
This morning, my voice sounded worse than Tom Waits from all that screaming. And I woke up with a big zit right in the middle of my neck. You get good tickets to Ringo and a zit on the neck. Life is funny that way. We played Elwood's and the Hollywood Contingency came out in full force. That was really nice that they made the trek. And they get to go home completely deaf. I was real tired from the night before so I bought an iced coffee with two shots of espresso in it and I was flying when I got there. Timing went to hell. Every song was a drum solo. Fuck it. Johanna decided we should have a Beatles night tomorrow night for Ringo's berfday. I'm trying to think of something English to eat that isn't fried. Kris nixed fish and chips. When we went to England, I ate nothing but fish and chips and bangers and chips. I came back weighing at least six or seven hundred pounds. We're gonna watch A Hard Day's Night and sing along to every song. I also found out tonight that my week is going to be busier than I thought. Thursday I have the Quillo theater again and Saturday night and Sunday at Elwood's. I'm tired.
P.S. At noon tomorrow (as per Ringo's instructions), think Peace and Love. I already am.
1 comment:
Who you calling a bitch? (Yes, I DO drop in on your blog Mr. Vullo.)
You're the one who dropped your britches...after I left! I miss all the fun! Sniffle.
Nice bloomers Mr. Vullo. Hee hee!
(But thank you. You're a pretty tough act to follow yourself. Someday I hope you realize that!)
And that's the most packed I have ever in 20 years seen Bostons.
I haven't been able to see the Jojo videos yet. I haven't been home with a computer that has audio for a week. I can't wait to see them!
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