Ok, so the title isn't exactly original. This was in my email box during my absence.
We got out of town a little later than expected. We were supposed to caravan to Jacksonville with our friend Pete and some people he knows (who reserved our rooms for us...Thanks!) but we ended up going it alone. I put a few new tires on the Scion and we were ready. We coffeed up, put a David Sedaris audio book cd in the player and hit the road a little after 10 am. We ended up stopping in St. Augustine 'cause i'd never seen it. We kinda did a run-through but it was nice and old. We went to a hippie record store to scout out cool stickers but it was a no-go. We ended up going to the venue so I could take a picture of the marquee. Then went back to the hotel for a shower and some relaxing.
I got a text from my friend Tina (and Steven) saying they were letting people in as early as 6:30 because the ticketing system could cause delays so we hightailed it over there. We got right in with no line and met Tina and Steven and the Eat's bass player Kenny and Joe Harris. We went out the back doors and had a few four-way conversations. Finally, we made our way into the theater. We knew we had good seats but they were REALLY good. We kept walking up and up. We were right by a speaker stack so I readied some TP for my left ear (not needed...this was one of the quietest concerts i'd ever been to). After what seemed like hours, the lights went down and we were transported to Tom Waitsland for the next 2 and a half hours. The show was incredible. Probably one of the best i've ever seen. He was really funny during his between song banter. I know both Kris and I did a fair amount of pinching ourselves not believing it was really happening and we were there to see it.
Afterward, we hung out with Steven and Tina at their B & B and they fed us cheese sandwiches and pita chips (and an awesome biscotti...Thanks a million, guys!!!). Back at the hotel we tried not to wake Pete (didn't work) and we just ended up falling asleep. Pete had a plane to catch so we didn't see him in the morning. We ate breakfast and booked it back to town and picked up Jojo. Later, her and I went out to pick up a pizza and were rear-ended coming out of a parking lot. Luckily no damage was done but we were both scared.
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