Two in one day? Who'da thunk it? Actually, I was just reviewing the posts I made and I realized there was quite a gap in time there so I thought i'd try to remember a bit about the NAEMI show. I was really nervous about doing it. We had a rehearsal with Rick and that went fine. The man to really come through during this time was my friend Matt. I'd never played with him before and I kinda dumped him in the deep end learning two songs he wasn't all that familiar with. He ended up really making it great and he came up with some great arrangement ideas. And we had lots of time to bond. I miss those days when we seemed to have more time and I was spending more time with my guitar. Right now, the skin underneath my pinky nail on my fretting hand has dried and cracked and playing is painful right now but I need to anyway. Back to the story; We ended up not having a considerable amount of time to rehearse with Pete. We did about 20 minutes right before the gig. Even though it was only two songs, I wish we could've tightened it up some more. Matt, Rick and I had some BBQ before heading down to the gig. It was in a record store and that made it cooler. During the final rehearsal, something in my mind kept making me play the wrong chord in "I'm Waiting For The Day" and come showtime I was so nervous that I did it again. I can't say I ruined it but I helped. The Skip Spence song, "War In Peace" was played better but by the end, my guitar solos were buried by the sheer noise in the place. It seemed like we were up there for about 5 minutes. I was really pissed off at myself for being so nervous and not playing so well after having high hopes. At my gig that night, everyone who was at the show was full of praise and they especially singled out the crummy Pet Sounds song. Go figger. Also, I thought i'd throw in some pictures while we're at it. This is my Rickenbackers and Vox AC-30 with my friend John's Epiphone Casino.
I don't know what this is but it looks cool.

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