Yes, that's me hangin' with Mr. T. I'd like to say things are getting easier but they're not. I couldn't sleep too well last night because of anxiety over this job. There's a lot of stuff to remember and that's not one of my strong points. Friday, Kris and I went to a birthday party for Funkabilly Tim. It was at some fancy-schmancy place in Byoca where the rich singles mingle. We had a blackened appetizer which was two bitty pieces of fish, two shrimp (scrumps) and some other black seafood. It came to roughly 306 dollars (OK, it was 12.95). Granted, the fish was good. But not 12.95 good. Am I cheap? Currently, yes. The party was fun. We didn't stay too long 'cause we had limited Jojo coverage but we did have a good time. I got to hang with my Funkamates and other assorted friends.
Saturday, I did a bunch of errands and hung out with The Jojo. The O'Hara's gig went OK, I guess. The vibe in the place was really weird and it made me fight off a few panic attacks and nervous sweats. I love nights where we finish a big. loud song and then nothing. We really had to work and the score was a tie. I played like crap. My calluses were all soft from sweating and the skin on the tops of my fingers was peeling off. OUCH! Thankfully, Keith was there for a hearty pep talk which he's real good at. Thanks, Pally!
Sunday we went to Morikami Park in Byoca with Jojo. It was some kind of Kid's day and we met a classmate of hers and his Dad and had some fun. We also saw The Bongos there. That was unexpected but nice 'cause I never have the chance to sit and talk with him. Elwood's went as planned and here we are now. Boring.
Blick! That picture of me is painful to look at. Perfect freakin' example of how poor posture makes one look gloopy and crunky. And make up negative adjectives.
I'd ask you to delete it, but it's all over the internet now anyway.
If you walk into the bedroom and I'm pacing with a book on my head, you'll know why now.
Thanks for helping me out on Saturday with the school thing. Mwah.
comment deleted
Sorry! I double posted.
Oh. And I forgot to add how totally hot you looked Friday night.
You also looked pretty good last night when you were sitting in the computer chair and I was yelling at you for buying too many types of cookies at the grocery store because I just bought a schload of them at BJs. While I was screaming about budgeting and money panic and and going broke and workplaces that get around child labor laws so maybe the kid can help with the bills, I was thinking, "Damn he looks good for for..for...for...ty."
You're 20 times more adorable than you were when we met all those years ago.
That's so sweet of you! Thanks. As i'm getting older, i'm getting my Charlie Brown on.
That's a good plan. Younger women find that irresistible (/ end snark)
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