This is a picture of Jojo in her room although you'd probably think it was mine. I was going through some old stuff last week and I found this Beatles tapestry my Mom had gotten me for Christmas or a birthday or something. Jojo wanted to use it as a blanket so I compromised and tacked it on her wall. Now, before she goes to bed, she makes me pretend I'm the Beatles on her wall and imitate their accents and say things like "Put down your sitar, Johanna, and go to bed".
On the way to school in the morning, she pretends to play the sitar and I play "Love You To" or "Norwegian Wood" on the stereo and then she makes me applaud at the end (it's great being a Dad!). This morning she said,"I'm gonna play and the Beatles (meaning me) are gonna watch me". I said, " Honey, The Beatles are driving the car". She said, " But Daddy, we're not listening to that song!"
ahhh, what a clever girl !! my how she has grown.
good to see you blogging again.
Yes She's Gonna Be A Star.
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