Kris emailed me and let me know i'm on imbd.
How weird is that? Now you can tell all your friend(s) that you know someone who was in a movie with Johnny Depp. No, I was not in Benny And Joon. Or Edward Boogerhands. Well, I guess it's cool anyway. I wanted to be credited as Clark Bent but I had to be "himself". Can't wait to see what other credits I can rack up. How about credits for YouTube videos?
Don't look at me. I don't have anything to do with it. Personal highlight? Pulling up my pants near the subtle, Grandpa! And what's with the infrared? I wasn't wearing peach-colored pants. OK, I was.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008

Yes, that's me hangin' with Mr. T. I'd like to say things are getting easier but they're not. I couldn't sleep too well last night because of anxiety over this job. There's a lot of stuff to remember and that's not one of my strong points. Friday, Kris and I went to a birthday party for Funkabilly Tim. It was at some fancy-schmancy place in Byoca where the rich singles mingle. We had a blackened appetizer which was two bitty pieces of fish, two shrimp (scrumps) and some other black seafood. It came to roughly 306 dollars (OK, it was 12.95). Granted, the fish was good. But not 12.95 good. Am I cheap? Currently, yes. The party was fun. We didn't stay too long 'cause we had limited Jojo coverage but we did have a good time. I got to hang with my Funkamates and other assorted friends.
Saturday, I did a bunch of errands and hung out with The Jojo. The O'Hara's gig went OK, I guess. The vibe in the place was really weird and it made me fight off a few panic attacks and nervous sweats. I love nights where we finish a big. loud song and then nothing. We really had to work and the score was a tie. I played like crap. My calluses were all soft from sweating and the skin on the tops of my fingers was peeling off. OUCH! Thankfully, Keith was there for a hearty pep talk which he's real good at. Thanks, Pally!
Sunday we went to Morikami Park in Byoca with Jojo. It was some kind of Kid's day and we met a classmate of hers and his Dad and had some fun. We also saw The Bongos there. That was unexpected but nice 'cause I never have the chance to sit and talk with him. Elwood's went as planned and here we are now. Boring.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Whaddya Crazy?

Two in one day? Who'da thunk it? Actually, I was just reviewing the posts I made and I realized there was quite a gap in time there so I thought i'd try to remember a bit about the NAEMI show. I was really nervous about doing it. We had a rehearsal with Rick and that went fine. The man to really come through during this time was my friend Matt. I'd never played with him before and I kinda dumped him in the deep end learning two songs he wasn't all that familiar with. He ended up really making it great and he came up with some great arrangement ideas. And we had lots of time to bond. I miss those days when we seemed to have more time and I was spending more time with my guitar. Right now, the skin underneath my pinky nail on my fretting hand has dried and cracked and playing is painful right now but I need to anyway. Back to the story; We ended up not having a considerable amount of time to rehearse with Pete. We did about 20 minutes right before the gig. Even though it was only two songs, I wish we could've tightened it up some more. Matt, Rick and I had some BBQ before heading down to the gig. It was in a record store and that made it cooler. During the final rehearsal, something in my mind kept making me play the wrong chord in "I'm Waiting For The Day" and come showtime I was so nervous that I did it again. I can't say I ruined it but I helped. The Skip Spence song, "War In Peace" was played better but by the end, my guitar solos were buried by the sheer noise in the place. It seemed like we were up there for about 5 minutes. I was really pissed off at myself for being so nervous and not playing so well after having high hopes. At my gig that night, everyone who was at the show was full of praise and they especially singled out the crummy Pet Sounds song. Go figger. Also, I thought i'd throw in some pictures while we're at it. This is my Rickenbackers and Vox AC-30 with my friend John's Epiphone Casino.
I don't know what this is but it looks cool.

She's Got Everything She Needs. She's An Artist. She Don't Look Back.
This is a picture of Jojo in her room although you'd probably think it was mine. I was going through some old stuff last week and I found this Beatles tapestry my Mom had gotten me for Christmas or a birthday or something. Jojo wanted to use it as a blanket so I compromised and tacked it on her wall. Now, before she goes to bed, she makes me pretend I'm the Beatles on her wall and imitate their accents and say things like "Put down your sitar, Johanna, and go to bed".
On the way to school in the morning, she pretends to play the sitar and I play "Love You To" or "Norwegian Wood" on the stereo and then she makes me applaud at the end (it's great being a Dad!). This morning she said,"I'm gonna play and the Beatles (meaning me) are gonna watch me". I said, " Honey, The Beatles are driving the car". She said, " But Daddy, we're not listening to that song!"
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
What? I Cn't Hear You. I Have An Ear Infction.

This first picture was actually sent up to us this Sunday at Elwood's. Part of me wants to have this bravado thing I've carried with me all my life and used in times of confidence crisis that sounds like "Fuck 'em! I'm loud. That's who I am and what you get!". The real me feels bad 'cause I have a real problem getting happy when I play and I just start beating the shit out of my drums. As soon as they were big and famous, nobody ever complained about John Bonham or Keith Moon being loud. And they were. It's widely documented (this is where i break in the line and say i'm not comparing myself to either of those guys/heroes). Last Saturday, I played a gig/party with the White Owls (wet towels) and our guitarist Rick (not that one...the other Rick) let me know quite unabashedly that I was killing his hearing with my Amazing Drumming Style (i added the last part). I really took this to heart and played the rest of the night like a very respectable Holiday Inn Lounge drummer/machine. So to hear the same comments Sunday has me reeling.
What the hell am I gonna do about it? I know the people are right. I am loud. And not so proud. I've got a smaller snare drum I can use and that might help. I know if I start thinking too hard about it, i'll end up playing crummily (?). Any ideas? (and don't say "give up", Pete!) Today was Day 2 of the new job and it's not getting any easier. Not like I expected it to. My feet are hamburgery (?). My back is killing me and I think I'm allergic to ground coffee dust. Last night, I woke up with a sore throat and today I was sneezing. Will somebody turn up the little violins, please! Cry for me, Argentina! OK, how 'bout Apopka? Recently, I had some re-constructive surgery on my face and, for those who know me, I thought i'd post Before and After photos.

Monday, April 21, 2008
Touch Me I'm Sick.
Started my new job today. My back is killing me. Nothing like a good dose of manual labor to make you feel old. I didn't sleep too well last night 'cause I was anxious about today. Everything went weller than expected. I outperformed my expected limit....or so says my new boss. What happened to my old, stressful job? I knocked it on the head. Granted, I kinda did it the wrong way. I'm not gonna go into it 'cause this is a public blog and i'm sure some of the people I used to work for look at this. I gave my notice and I was promptly fired. I didn't do it in the most friendly way and I probably deserve it in some way but at least I still have half an ounce of confidence left. I 'spose I had enough to leave. Now we get into the struggle part of our show. Taking this new job is not going to be a breeze. I'm gonna have to tighten the financial belt for awhile. At least I really like my new boss. Maybe I won't be so depressed and i'll start blogging more.
This past Friday, I went to visit my friend Steve who's better known as Mr. Entertainment in the clubs. We were messing around trying to see if we could write a song together. On the way to his house, I got some words in my head about the mystery of songwriting and how you have to try to unlock some hidden door to let it all out. I brought that in and we tried to chisel it into shape but it proved too wordy and we abandoned it for something a little more light-hearted and then it just flowed. That was fun and such a release. I used to write a lot and I haven't done it lately 'cause I haven't had the time and now I know I need to make the time. I'm really tired right now but i'm feeling good knowing my first hard day is behind me.
This past Friday, I went to visit my friend Steve who's better known as Mr. Entertainment in the clubs. We were messing around trying to see if we could write a song together. On the way to his house, I got some words in my head about the mystery of songwriting and how you have to try to unlock some hidden door to let it all out. I brought that in and we tried to chisel it into shape but it proved too wordy and we abandoned it for something a little more light-hearted and then it just flowed. That was fun and such a release. I used to write a lot and I haven't done it lately 'cause I haven't had the time and now I know I need to make the time. I'm really tired right now but i'm feeling good knowing my first hard day is behind me.
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