Who am I? Where have I been? I'm starting to doubt that I know. This week has been an overwhelming flurry of activity. I've spent more time traveling in the car than awake hours at home. Even now, I feel like i'm in motion when i'm not. When is the rubberband gonna snap? When am I going to show up at some stranger's house and walk right in? When am I gonna show up at a Funkabilly gig with a set of drums? When am I gonna be the guy on the interstate with the hollow eyes who doesn't know where he is? The answer: soon. Look at that fucking dead guy in the picture. I'm so tired. Worn out. When I do go to sleep, I wake up only a few hours later. I can't remember what good sleep feels like. Right now, I have a headache that feels like i've been shot in the forehead.
Tuesday, I had a meeting about a project with the Dillengers that's gonna take up even more of my time. I don't feel too good about it but it's gonna bring in money. I could use some of that right now as all my shit is falling apart. I've got a few guitars I can't use 'cause they need repairs. The new amp is a fucking disaster. I don't even wanna look at it. I'm so discouraged (you can stop reading now 'cause there's gonna be a whole lot more complaining...SORRY!...i gotta get it out somehow). Wednesday was a rehearsal for the gig with Jim Wurster at the Bamboom on Thursday. Thursday's show was a pretty good one. At rehearsal, we were sitting while playing and Jim thought it would be cool to do that at the gig so we did. We played Neil Young's Cowgirl In The Sand and I just made feedback noise for a full 5 minutes. I really enjoy the sound of feedback....and making it. We had Chris DeAngelis from the 18 Wheelers on bass, so the musicianship went up a few notches. He's just an over-all swell guy and I love talking records with him.
I didn't get home until the wee-wees and it showed the next day (today). I could not get a grip today. I was walking around at work like a zombie (rod argent? colin blunstone?) counting the hours till I could get out. During lunchtime, I went to Starbucks and had a coffee and that made everything right 'til it wore off. This is how i've given my life to SATAN. I even bought a renewable gift card for myself 'cause i'm always there. I never wanted to be one of those GEN X-GOATEE WEARING-PSEUDO INTELLECTUAL-POETRY READING-COFFEE GENERATION-BASEBALL CAP WEARING-POPULAR KID IN SCHOOL (educated) geehaws who sit around at Starbucks all day typing into their laptops like they're solving all the world's problems right there. Bastards! I wouldn't fit in with them either. If i was reading this, I wouldn't talk to me anymore.
Tomorrow, I have to clean out my garage to make room for bathroom renovating supplies. Tomorrow night, i'm at Alligator Alley with Charlie Pickett and that should be fun. His crowd has always been very nice to me. Sunday, Elwood's. Next week, Wash/Rinse/Repeat. Thursday, I have a possible Funkabilly rehearsal for our gig at the Bamboom on Saturday. Friday, O'Hara's. Saturday morning is supposed to be a rehearsal with this Dillengers project. I'm a little concerned about our Saturday gig. Tickets are 12 bucks and I hope some people come to watch us get blown away by The Spoon Benders. There's supposed to be some kind of All-Star jam at the end that i'd rather not have anything to do with. But I will.
Sunday, my sister is throwing a combo birthday for my Dad, sister and Kris somewhere. Lord (or somebody), help me. After that, RUN to Elwood's. l should really shut up now. There's starving people in Apopka.
Last night on the way home, I thought it would be cool to form a band with Pete on drums, Bob Wlos on pedal steel and guitar, Chris DeAngelis on bass and me on anything else.
I'm hoping that Pete is suggesting this because he wants me in the band, not because he's trying to steal my thunder. Or my isosceles.
Love triangle? Da Capo?
Love triangle?
Now me, you, and Pete have to start a band. You just named it. :p
OK it's official, Kris on bass, me on drums, Vullo on triangle. Just booked us a happy hour gig every Wednesday at Pei Wei, for tips and comp dinner.
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