This last week was weird. Nice things happened to me. A co-worker of mine overheard me cursing my watch and he gave me a new one! My boss started talking about Ipods with me (i had a 40 gig dealie but i misplaced it somewhere...or it was STOLEN) and the next day he gave me a brand new one! Weird! I should probably start talking about 3 pickup Les Paul Customs or Paiste Giant Beat cymbals. I love my new Ipod. My last one was such a hassle. I went through three of them 'cause they kept locking up on me. By the time I got the last (lost) one I had, i was burned out on all the problems. This new one is a massive improvement. I downloaded No Direction Home (the bob dylan movie) and now I can watch it wherever. It's got a great feature where I can slideshow photos so now I can show Jojo (joy) to the world. Thank you Ipodgods!
I've been sleeping like total shit lately. I keep waking up in the middle of the night and I can't get back to sleep. I've been coasting on fumes most of the time. Last night, I took a Benedryl (which sometimes helps) and it just gave me a nasty hangover today. Blah! Tonight, i'll probably take two and wake up Tuesday. I hope. Tomorrow is the first Funkagig in a while so i'm sure i'll be freaked out all day. This is the first gig with the new amp. I hope it doesn't blow up. I bought new bandpants (scotchgard Dickies) and I pick them up tomorrow from the tailors. They're gonna be all stiff so i'll have to wash them a few times. We're actually gonna rehearse tomorrow afternoon so maybe we'll have a new song to fuck up at O'Hairy's.
Tonight, I introduced Jojo to The Monkees' TV show. She loved it and I figger we'll be listening to them for a while. HEAD is such a great movie. And the soundtrack is great, too. Porpoise Song is one of the great psychedelic classics. I've also been listening to Teenage Fanclub's Songs From Northern Britain and that's kept me happy.
Humph, as well it should, been wondering when you were going to come around to giving respect to that wonderful TFC album. A great collection of songs, Ain't That Enough? (pun intended). Planets, Winter, and the closing track Speed of Light are my faves.
Nice to see ya back in blogland. I, too, have blogged anew.
I'm at CoughieSmokie tonite, or I'd come make ya nervous at O'Henry's.
And I loves me some TFC SFNB. I sound like Dave. ISLD.
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