Last night's Bamboom was OK. There was a few people there and that made it easier. I bought these sticks at Rez Drums last week 'cause I liked the way they felt, but they must be stunt sticks 'cause I broke one in the first song. That's why they were in the bargain bin. Probably looked cool...to somebody. My friend Sean showed up and we ended up talking way over the limit (which happens just about every time) and I was/am way tired. I was dragging ass at work today. New MOJO came out and that's always cause for celebration. Right when I got home, we ran to the Hard Cock Restaurant/Museum/Casino/Gas Station/Encyclopedia/Sock/Banana/Cobalt China/Disco Stu/People Place to see the ZOMBIES!!!!!! Oh....YEAH!!!!!BABY!!!!!!
We ate some crummy pretzels waiting to get in. First up was Joey Molland's Badfinger. Listening to interviews and knowing his story, I was inclined to hate him/it but was pleasantly surprised. He didn't originally sing any of the hits, but he did a real good job. He gave Pete Ham credit so he's OK in my book now. "Baby Blue" and "No Matter What" were big highlights. A great start to the show. Next up: Country Joe McDonald's. Country Joe is a punk. He started his show with an instrumental. Bored the old hippies to sleep on that one. He only made a dent when he did the FISH cheer and when he was selling t-shirts. Next up: Felix Cavaliere's Rascals (basically the same backing Badfingers). He looked like a mean little shit who should be on the stoop smoking cigars with the other dagos. Country Joe invaded his set during "People Got To Be Free" and danced around like an embarrassing Dad playing air guitar and having no clue what the words to the song were. Felix did a great job and I got busted singing loudly to "Groovin'" which is a great fucking song. In the interim, I saw Sean up on the balcony.
Next up.....THE ZOMBIES!!!!! If I had big breasts, i'd flash them right about now! They opened their show with a failed single, "I Love You" and that was TOTALLY unexpected. Everyone was on top of their game and playing well. Colin's voice sounded amazing....like he was 20 years old again. Then they played Ray Charles' "Sticks And Stones"(one of me and kris' faves) and continued to lose the stupid hippies but we were going BALLISTIC!!! Next, they did "Time Of The Season" note-perfectly. My only complaint was the guitar player was closer to Eddie Van Hamburger than our dearly departed Paul Atkinson. They also did Argent's "Hold Your Head Up" and "Tell Her No" and closed with "She's Not There" which really got the Grandparents out of their seats.
A super-stellar show. Big highlight: Kris leaned over to me and said "Maybe we should fly to London to see them perform 'Odessey and Oracle' ". I tried to look around for any of the guys afterward to try and meet them, but they were out of sight. It would have been nice to tell them how much their music means to me. Oh, well. Maybe next time. After the show, we hooked up with Pete at City Limits and watched Crazy Fingers do their thing for a while. Tomorrow, Jojo comes home and I can't wait!
What happened to the triangle? Did it get lost in Bermuda?
Pete-don't kid yourself. I'm the triangle player in the family.
M-you do realize I was under the influence of a Zombies' high and cannot be held accountable for what I said about London. ;)
And you say Florida gets no good concerts...
Actually, Dave, that's been your line for 15 years...
Tell me again WHY I chose not to attend this show?
*slaps self in forehead*
That's how I still feel about missing Alice Coltrane in San Fran last November, which turned out to be her last show, with Roy Haynes on drums and Charlie Haden on bass, and her son Ravi Coltrane on sax. She was gone two months later. I actually gave myself a black eye for blowing that one off.
That deleted comment was me under Kris' name.
Pete, I keep my golden Triangle in my underwear.
You missed the Alice C show? You do deserve a beatin'. Anyone wanna see Odessey in London? Anyone wanna buy a guitar? Or two?
Charlie Haden is da man. Of course, the rest of that lineup is stellar.
You should still knock out a few teeth.
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