Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Deep In The Heart Of Lexus or Free Willie!

Next up...Austin, Texas. My good friend, Elle invited me out there (and bought my ticket...THANKS!) to hang for a few days. We did all kinds of fun stuff. Got to see the Bob Marley movie that is NOT playing here. Did lots of thrifting. Some estate sales. Record shopping. Lots of eating. The food in Austin is spectacular. Love the breakfast tacos! I think my obnoxious personality was wearing on her and Jim. I hope I didn't wear out my welcome! I went on a searing anti-musician rant at ......Guitar Center. Real smart. Got to drool on some cool vintage instruments. Ate some more. Met Tommy Shannon at Threadgill's. All in all, loads of fun. Had a swell time but I missed Vena terribly. If I can remember more i'll add to this.

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