I'm not convinced that I love my Telecaster the way it is. The front pickup sounds mushy. Looks good though. I talked to a bandmate/friend from high school, Constantine Jones, this week. We played together in a band that never really got out of his garage. I told the other member of that band, Pete, about our conversation and one of the first things out of his mouth was "Let's put a band together!". I thought that was jumping the gun a bit. I have been thinking about it as Pete has been beating me up about forming a band to do some of my songs and some other stuff. I must admit i'm excited by the prospect of playing in something new. There's quite a few songs i've never played with a band before. Bands are hard work though. Trying to get everyone to agree. Finding time to rehearse. Tap dancing around the fragile egos. Mine included. I talked to my friend Matt to feel him out about maybe being part of it and he seemed interested. I told him I don't know if it's gonna get off the ground or not. I haven't really talked to anyone about these possibilities. Who knows. Maybe if we just took it lightly and everyone wants to do it, it might work. We'll see.
I forgot how important Andy Summers is. I listened to the entire Police catalogue today and I was amazed at his colorings and tasty phrasing. Great stuff. I actually met Andy in Berkeley at Amoeba Records some years back. He was in town doing a club show and was out record shopping. We met in the Jazz section. Very nice. Very short. I think i'm suffering from some sort of depression or chemical imbalance. When I don't play with the Billies for a while, I get real anxious a few days before the next gig. We're playing tomorrow and i'm already nervous. Every morning, I go in to work feeling anxious and worried and about an hour later I have this unexplained feeling of euphoria like something wonderful is on the horizon or how much I love my family and then the feeling fades.
I guess i'm worried about the big ups and downs. I suppose i've always been a little anxious but it's intensifying as I get older. I know I don't wanna be on any drugs that are going to give me an artificial feeling of security or deny me the natural downs that I always feel. I'd just like to get rid of the anxiety. Any maybe find something that can boost my self-esteem and confidence.....Yeah, right! Kris said on her MySpace, they're listing the 5 most important albums of their lives and I would find it impossible to list only five...from each genre! Too much great music out there. Right now, i'm stuck on Donny Hathaway and Roberta Flack. And Exile on Main St. And Zenyatta Mondatta. Even though Capitol dropped the ball with Sgt. Pepper, on August 28 (happyberfdaykris!) they're re-releasing Pink Floyd's Piper At The Gates Of Dawn as a 3 cd set with mono and stereo mixes and the singles of the period like Arnold Layne and Apples and Oranges. Weeeeeeeeee!
My non-professional but known you long enough is your depression isn't really huge--but your anxiety is. And there are natural ways of handling it. You just have to do it, Vullo.
On a more serious note, I don't have time to blog much these days as I'm designing your band costumes. You're gonna love what I have in mind for Pete.
...but known you long enough opinion.
I hate it when I words out.
Start your own band. DEFINITELY!
"Tap dancing around the fragile egos"
You mean the fragile eggshell minds.
"I listened to the entire Police catalogue today"
This is the Vullo I know and love.
"I have this unexplained feeling of euphoria like something wonderful is on the horizon"
Something is.
"I don't wanna be on any drugs"
Yes you do.
Kris: "You're gonna love what I have in mind for Pete.
Is he now?
Who's this Chasbo then?
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