Ok, I'm not obsessing about it or anything but sometimes I miss my hair. I have absolutely no interest in the fake stuff or the drugs that grow it back (probably in places I already have it) but it would be nice to have options. I can only really have one style of haircut. Really short. I guess I could grow my eyebrows up. When I had it, I used to wear it over my eyes when I played to hide from people...the old "Hair Curtain". Sometimes, I still have dreams where it's long, straight and shiny. I guess what triggered it off was a conversation with my friend Matt. He fears his hair is thinning but he still wears it long and it looks fine. I told him not to cut it 'til he has to. I made the mistake of cutting it short and being too lazy to grow it back while I had it. Come to think of it, I deserve what's happened to me. I used to dye it a lot....pretty much every color of the rainbow. I miss doing that, too. The last time I did it was on the 4th of July a bunch of years back. I dyed it red, white and blue.
I'm gonna steal a page from the Keith and list some songs i've been listening to.
1. Johnny B. Goode - Chuck Berry.
Another fine song white people have ruined. Go listen to the original. It SWINGS LIKE A DOBERMAN'S BALLS! I can't dance, but I want to when this is playing. Perks me up every time.
2. Tears Of Rage - The Band.
I just want to hug Richard Manuel and share a plate of cookies with him (can't; he dead). This song has an almost gospel feel to it and a heartbreaking vocal that sends the shivers.
3, 4, 5. Sway, Moonlight Mile, Loving Cup - The Rolling Stones.
Sway has one of the greatest Mick Taylor guitar solos and words that make no sense.
Moonlight Mile is very spooky and stirring. A really great Mick Jagger vocal.
Loving Cup also has a gospel feel and some great piano work.
6. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry - Bob Dylan.
Is there a crap track on Highway 61 Revisited? Kris and I were singing this in the car the other day along with Lay Down Your Weary Tune....GENIUS!
When, how and under what circumstances did you meet Mackenzie Phillips???
Very Dylanesque, that 2nd pic.
All them songs is good 'uns, but 'specially Tears Of Rage.
I could probably do without Queen Jane on Hwy 61, but that's me. Seems kinda redundant. There's even a line where he admits it: "And if you find yourself sick of all this repetition..."
I've been floating on a cloud of bliss the last few days listening to Carole King's Tapestry album. Hearing her voice singing her songs gives me the warm fuzzy wuzzys in the biggest way.
I met Julie (onedayatatime)when the band i was in backed up the Mamas and Papas. They didn't travel with a band so we were it. I got a lot of stories about that one. I always liked Queen Jane for the out of tune guitar. You don't hear that anymore. Unless you come see me play. There is never a wrong time for Tapestry. I know that's one of Keith's favorites, too.
OK, why have I never heard any of those stories?
As for Tapestry, definitely in my Desert Island Five list. Of course, where I'm gonna find a power supply on that island is beyond me.
Gab knows, but if she drops the ball, somebody please play Way Over Yonder at my wake/funeral/memorial/sendoff/whatever.
I'm so glad you posted those pictures--now whose hair do ya think Johanna has?
OMG the vest stage. not to be confused with the ugliest-shirt-you-could-find-at-the-thriftstore stage.
manic panic green was always my favorite color on you.
Desert island dwellings can be set up for solar power.
The "male" counterpart to Tapestry is Stevie Wonder's Talking Book album, another all-timer for me. Innervisions is also a great album but it's more topical, less personal. Talking Book is the one for me.
As they are lowering my casket into the ground, "Flying" from Magical Mystery Tour will be played. Mono mix of course, punchier drum sound. Those in attendance will join hands and sing along with the closing chant. I'm serious.
Tears of Rage makes me sob every time. So much sadness in poor Richard's voice :(
Desert island dwellings can be set up for solar power.
This could be the most profound statement I've heard all week. Nice one, Peter.
Hm. I don't have a funeral theme song yet. Maybe Goodnight off Cheap Trick's Live at Budokan album.
At my grandfather's memorial service we all joined in the chorus of So Long It's Been Good To Know Ya by Woody Guthrie. The perfect way to say farewell to an old radical lefty.
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