It sho 'nuff been a while since i done did devote some time to my journalistic endeavor. Things have been a bit hectic. Last weekend was a blur 'cause I was hardly home. This weekend will be no different. The pix are from a show last weekend with Jim Wurster at the school he works for/at. As you can see, the beard is coming along scraggly. I love it. Johanna was tested for Gifted and it's been determined that she is. This worries me. I'm extremely proud and pleased with this news but (believe it or not...hell, I wouldn't) I tested positive for this Gifted stuff and i'm a little leery of it. I felt it helped isolate me from other normal kids and, probably at one time, gave me a false sense of importance or superiority. Don't get me wrong. I'm sure I learned some great things in Gifted class....just ask Pete. I just want her to be normal and not let it go to her head. She is truly an amazing kid and i'm really glad she inherited her Mother's brains. Maybe she'll want to take up an instrument some day other than the sitar. Now, on the way to school, we play an Anoushka Shankar cd and she plays a recital for me on air sitar. Not too badly, either. Except she holds it like Bill Wyman held the bass. Tomorrow, i'm playing at the SouthShore Grill with Davee Bryan. I've never played with him before so it ought to be interesting. Then the next two nights i'm at Elwood's.