but I did see Vince Neil. He's quite short. Vacation is over and that's ok. If you haven't figured it out (or read Kris' blog), we went to Las Vegas. It was like I expected. I'm not a big drinker or a gambler so there wasn't much for me there...except sore feet and a complete emptying of the wallet. Actually, there was something. The Love show at the Mirage. That was an emotional experience seeing the Beatles' music being interpreted in such a way. The next day, we went to the gift shop and I couldn't pick out anything to buy 'cause I wanted it all.
I should probably start from the beginning. Kris' stepfather gave us a ride to the airport where we found out our flight was cancelled. Spirit eventually got us on a Delta flight and we got there a little early. We were pretty exhausted when we got there and I think we just walked around a bit, ate alot and went to bed. The next day was our anniversary (Happy Anniversary!) and we went to a few casinos and walked around. We had lunch at an Irish pub at New York New York. We saw Love that night and that was awesome. We went to the Revolution Lounge and left when I found out it would be 20 bucks for me to get in (ladies free!). See ya! Went back to the Beatles gift shop and it was too crowded. Next morning, we had breakfast at the Bellagio and that was good. Did some more walking around and I think by that point we were already tired of Vegas. You all should read my wife's blog on this 'cause it's much better. I'm sure i'm leaving out a bunch of stuff. What i'll always remember was how well we got along and how we enjoyed each other's company on this trip. I love you, babe!
Today, I went back to work. Tonight, I watched an old Popeye cartoon with Jojo and she dug it. I'm so glad we have similar taste. She likes all the cartoons I grew up with like Bugs Bunny and all the Looney Toons. I gotta really listen close to the Thursday's Child material tonight. We have a last rehearsal tomorrow night and I don't want to fuck it up. I'm gonna be a real nervous wreck at the gig. I really hope this stuff sinks in so I don't embarrass them.
Sigh. Just when I thought I was a little burned out on Vegas, you both post trip recaps. Now I want to head back there...
Don't. Save your money!
I don't have any to save...
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