OK. it's official. I called my Uncle Jack in NYC and he said I could stay with him a few days so I will be playing a gig in New York with Thursday's Child on November 18th. I haven't been to New York since my Grandmother passed in the late 80's. I've meant to go back but I could never find the money or the time. I'm gonna take a shitload of pictures and I really hope to see Electric Lady Studios and/or the Village Vanguard. I'll probably try to take in Ground Zero. If I can handle it. Tonight's Eat practice went well. I still don't feel like i'm part of it. I'm trying to keep up with them and I guess i'm doing OK. I think we have a long way to go but they'd probably tell you different. I think i'm more of a perfectionist than they are. It is fun playing fast and i'm not having trouble like I thought I would. I did have to wear earplugs tonight 'cause Ed's amp was on a chair pointed right at me. No ringing so that's a good thing.
Yesterday, I bought the new Tom Petty documentary (Running Down A Dream) and I got through half of it. It's about 4 hours long. So today I listened to him and was reminded of how many great songs he has. Tomorrow i'm going to Bob Wlos' studio to sift through tapes (!) to find one suitable for a new project. I have some old songs i'd like to record so we'll see what happens.
Take back Eddie Murphy...
I'd like to take this opportunity to state that Pete is officially jamming me.
Oh and:
Don't it feel like heaven right now
Don't it feel like something from a dream?
Best song ever. I still think it should have been the first dance, even though we would have looked funny doing the air guitar.
I heart Tom Petty. Thanks for buying it :)
He better not be slow jamming you! My favorite net to the waiting will always be change of heart.
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