I can't even remember where I left off. Last week was helllish (which is one more than hellish). I tried to wean myself off caffeine all week and I was a sluggish sack 'o potatoes. At least I wasn't having the dreaded anxiety (i don't think they're panic) attacks. So there's the solution to that problem. I accepted the job with The Eat and i've got my work cut out for me. Their drummer, Chris, was a hero of mine when I was a pup. Still is. I hope I can come up with something that will make them happy. It seems my project calendar is deep in the swamp. It's nice to be needed but it's also nice to conserve sanity. Which of, I suppose, i'm a quart low or two cards shy.
Was O'Hara's last week? Anyway, Bongo ended up being there but he left early. That sucked. There were a few songs that we had to scramble to fill harmony parts. He seems to be a bit up and down at this point and I worry about it. Last night was the return of the Dillengers after a few weeks off and it showed. As usual, I was all over the map timing wise and i'm sure i'm gonna hear aboot (that's Canadian or, as I like to call it, Canoodlean) it today. I deserve it. But it was a good night overall. This guy I know (i guess he could be called a friend even though I don't know him very well)....Fuck it. This friend of mine, James, came by with entourage in tow and that brightened things considerably. James is moving to Nashville to be with his boyfriend, Matt (just kidding). I'm bummed. He was really cool and always nice to me. Rumour has it he may be back in town around Halloween time. Hope so.
Wednesday, I've got the Bamboo Room with the Dildogers (which means Thursday i'll be dumber than a bag o' hammers at work...if not completely def (sic)) and Friday I have my first practice with the Eat. Wish me luck. I'm gonna need it. This week's prediction for listening: Otis Redding and plenty o' The Eat!!